Wake Up Call

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        8:40 PM

"Honey, don't forget that we have to wake up really early so, go to bed at a reasonable time. Okay?" "Yeah, what ever Mom." "Please, don't start with me.". As 9:00 PM rolled around everyone in Jones family prepared for their trip.

"Hey Mom, I am actually really tired. I am going to sleep now." "Okay, sweetie. Good night." My mom said with an uplifting attitude. "Yeah, ok" I replied with a drowsy, monotone voice. 

I walked up to my room and opened the door carelessly, as it slammed into my wall. I entered the messy bright red room. My bed being on the left side of my room right across from my wooden desk. The other side of my room contained my closet with clean white doors with wooden knobs. next to my closet would be my dog's bed and a stack of blankets that couldn't fit inside of my closet. Across from those blankets was my clothes hamper.  

I took a step inside my hot, stuffy room and slammed my door behind myself. I walked over to my bed and desk and carelessly threw my school bag on my bed. I walked over to my closet and stripped down to my underwear. 

I opened the closet doors and pulled out some sweatpants. I slipped them on and picked up my previous clothes and put them inside the hamper. 

I walked over to my desk, shirtless,and pulled out out my iPod.  I plugged in my black earbuds and scrolled down until I found it. 


AC/DC                                                                                                                                                                                          The Razor's Edge

1 f 2256 songs

I pressed play and enjoyed my music. I took off my school bag and placed it on my desk and jumped into bed and pulled my, very uncomfortable, blankets under me. I turned my fan on with my remote. I turned over and, lights out. 

                                                                                                   2:00 AM

"YOU SLEPT IN, GET UP!!!." I hear my Mom yelling at me. I roll over and sit up with my legs resting on the side of my bed. I look to the side and see my dumb-ass mother standing in the door frame. I get up slowly and walk over to my closet and pull out my clothes that I was going to wear today. 

A Guns and Roses sweatshirt with basketball shorts. "GOD DAMMIT, JAKE WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!" she yelled. "Ok, ok I am going!" I said as I puled off my pants, stripping once again. 

She left the room and closed the door to finish getting ready herself. I finished putting on my clothes and rushed out of my room with my suitcase and my socks and shoes. I ran to the door and set my bag outside the door. I slipped on my shoes and socks as fast as I could. 

Still wearing my earbuds and my iPod in my front pocket I tied my shoes quickly and left to the restroom to brush my teeth and, do my business. 

After brushing my teeth and, doing my business, I started up the bath water and took off my earbuds putting them in my pocket too. I put my hair under the chilled, ice cold water rinsing it off. 

I stood up and rubbed my hand threw my short hair. I shook my head to get the excesses water off and grabbed the towel next to me and rubbed that on my head too. 

I then, walked out of the bathroom and put in my earbuds and went to the front door and picked up my luggage and placed in the open trunk. I then closed the trunk and walked around the car to the right side and entered. I sat down. 

My mother driving and father sitting in shotgun. "LET US BE OFF!!" My mom said with an annoyingly cheerful voice. "Geez Karin, are you feeling extra peppy today or what?" My dad asked. "Well George, aren't you feeling extra irritable today, huh?" My mom said with an annoyed look on her face. 

I know my mom, and when she has that look, you know you have crossed the line. She turned her head, facing away from my dad. "You really need to work on your social skills, tell him, Jake. Come on! Don't be afraid!" My mom said trying to encourage me. " No thanks." I say simply.

"Oh so you are taking you father's side!" she said raising her voice a bit.  My dad turned around and gave me a thumbs up. I turned away and looked out at the airport we were arriving at. I turned up my music to 100%.

This is going to be a FUN trip!


Hey guys thanks for choosing this book! Right now it sucks, but I kind of have to set it up. If you don't mind I need your opinion. I am going to take a poll. Do you think I should add a love interest. I will be checking the poll on February 30, 2019. Ok? Please vote and have a great day or not, the choice is yours!      

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