CHAPTER 8 - I'm Never Coming Back Again ...

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"Ok, ok, ok darling ... if you say so ... But you are aware that he won't let you go that easily?" she remarked, gesturing at her and Alba.

Sanem sighed and nodded. She looked at Hüma. She looked back at Emel and the three women let out a big laughter and the heavy veil that clouded the room dissipated.

"We are talking about my son", Hüma said, "Be prepared Honey because he will not abandon the fight and ... if cornered ... he will do what he has to do to get it", she paused, "Never, ever underestimate him ..." "Especially now as you have given him such sweet ammunition", she thought.

Sanem hummed in agreement. Still, despite the whole situation, she had loved him proposing, she had loved the ring that he had crafted for her ... She remembered the first time he had talked about getting married. Her heart had been on the edge of explosion. Only that time, it was to put a stop to the rumours that had contaminated her neighbourhood. She couldn't help it but "Sanem Divit" had a very nice ring ... The inner voice hissed at so many lovey-dovey thoughts. "Yup, you're right... Marriage has to be based on love ... not on babies and what people think you ought to do. Come on, Can Divit, I'm waiting for you ... I'm ready!" she preached herself.

* * *

On the plane taking him back to Istanbul, Can was still feeling quite angry and bothered by Sanem's attitude. Full of confidence, the day after their daughter's birth, he had dropped on one knee and proposed her with the moonstone ring. He couldn't forget how her eyes had turn from astonishment to full on rage.

"Why does she keep on doing that? Why does she keep on rejecting me?" At the time, he had understood the reasons behind her refusal of him. All the lies were an obstacle to them being a couple ... But now? They even had – unexpectedly but what a prize! - a daughter proving that they belonged together! His mind carried on with torturous thoughts, "Why Sanem, Why? Why did I have to fall in love with the only woman that would not want me? Why?"

"Why?" he repeated out loud.

"Why what?" asked his neighbour.

"Why doesn't she want me?" replied Can, still deep into his monologue.


"Sanem!" he barked.

The man sat next to him was getting more and more confused, looking around, "Sanem? Who is she?"

Can sneered, "Sanem is the most annoying, beautiful, head-strong, adorable, crazy, passionate woman I've ever met in my life!"

"Is she on the plane?"

Can turned his head to face the man who had spoken. "What are you talking about?" he asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"What are YOU talking about? You've been asking me questions for five minutes pal!" replied Can's neighbour. "So ... I'm curious now ... Who is this Sanem? Your girlfriend? Your wife maybe?"

Can was at a loss to answer this very simple question ... "What is she to me? Who is she to me?" and thinking about her drew a smile on his face ...

"Sanem is ... Sanem is ... She is my reason to get up in the morning; she is the pimento in my life; she is the forest and the mountain of my world ..." he ventured as his eyebrows relaxed thinking about the harmony of her face, the purity of her soul, the generosity of her heart. "She is the one who has given me a gift so unexpected, so beautiful ... one I didn't even know my heart and soul coveted and yearned for so long!" confessed Can.

The little man seemed confused. Eventually, he spoke, "I'm sorry. I don't understand. If this Sanem is that fantastic, then why are you so mad at her?"

Leaving Him - A Canem StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz