CHAPTER 8 - I'm Never Coming Back Again ...

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Even though the shrill notes of a heated conversation could be heard from the outside door, Hüma was laughing. "What a pair of pig-headed idiots, the both of them", she thought. It had been an identical scenario for the last five days and the outcome was still the same! Idiots! She spotted Emel at the end of the corridor and waved at her. Every day, since the birth of Alba, both women would turn up around 4:00 pm to visit Sanem and the baby.

"Good afternoon Emel!"

"Hello there Hüma", she chimed as they were greeting each other. "How is it going in there? Any improvement?" sneered Emel.

"No ... still the same. Neither of them will give in, so ... it's a dead end!" concluded Can's mother, rolling her eyes to the ceiling.

Emel sighed and sat next to Hüma, patiently waiting for the argument to finish. All of a sudden the silence got deafening and the door opened with force: a very annoyed Can Divit stepped out of the hospital room. He acknowledged Emel but ignored his mother, just like he had done since his arrival in Antalya.

He was fuming ... Pacing up and down, trying to calm down.

"God, give me patience with that woman!" he snapped. "She is as stubborn as a mule! She won't see sense! All she can say is "No"!"

Emel and Hüma tried to hide a laugh.

Can didn't seem to notice and carried on, "I have to go back to Istanbul or people will start to find my absence suspicious", he explained. "She knows that I will try to be back in a couple of days ... I will find an excuse ... Please Emel, look after them" a flicker of tenderness in his eyes.

"Can, my son, don't worry. I will guard them with my life", joked Metin's grandmother.

Hüma didn't say anything. It was useless. It was too early but there was hope. She was sure of it ... So she thought it best to keep quiet. Her time would come. Eventually.

A few minutes later, Can left and both women entered the room. Baby Alba was in her mother's arms, as it was obvious that Sanem needed to find something to do to occupy her mind. She looked quite distraught and Alba was the perfect excuse to lighten her mood.

She smiled tentatively at Emel and Hüma.

"Hum! You know he has left, don't you?" prompted Emel.

"Yes, I know ... God! That man, that man is so ... is so ..." she was looking for the perfect term, "so ... maddening!" said Sanem. "He does not want to back off ... and in his opinion, only his solution is the best! Argh!" she roared.

Hüma had taken Alba in her arms as Sanem started to get quite agitated again. She grinned lovingly at the baby and whispered in her ear, "You have wonderful parents, my darling. They have trouble communicating at the moment but don't worry they are very much in love with each other. Never doubt it"

"He has proposed again then?" asked Emel

"Yes! Of course! Apparently that is the only thing he can do these days! Do you realize Emel? In five days, he has asked me at least six times!" vented Sanem

"And your answer was "no" again I imagine ..." ironized the old lady .

Sanem looked at Emel with an offended expression on her face, "Oh come on! You know very well why ..." she blurted. "I can't marry him! I won't marry him! Having a baby together is not a good enough reason ... Getting married is not the solution ... I will never, NEVER accept to marry him! N.E.V.E.R!" she insisted, folding her arms across her chest.

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