CHAPTER 7 - Let's Begin Again ...

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Hurricane Sanem had struck again! Or one should say a tsunami for, at the sight of Sanem, a wave of emotions had crushed him hard in the chest, in a place he thought had died when she had disappeared. His heart seemed to have resumed its beating at the sight of Sanem ... Somehow, she was shouting at him ... He wondered what he had done as they had not seen each other for almost nine months now ...

He had heard the words "hospital", "now" and "baby" and still, he couldn't quite grasp Sanem's agitation. His eyes then moved from her beautiful brown gaze down to her quite large belly and he stopped breathing. "They had not seen each other for almost nine months", his mind echoed. Oh Lord! That was not supposed to be part of the reunion Can had planned. He had expected Sanem to be rigid and difficult. He had expected her to run away from him as it was her signature move. He had expected her to shout and scream at him. He had expected a thousand reactions but that .... What was ...

A dull thump and a sudden burn on his left cheek drew Can's attention back to reality. Did she just slap him? She was still shouting though ...

"Can! Move out of my way! We have to go!"

"You just slapped me!" whined Can.

"Oh come on, you're like Iron Man! You ..." and she couldn't continue as a contraction silenced her.

"Sanem? Are you okay?"

Sanem shot him a dark look and replied, "No, Can Divit! I'm not okay! So be useful and get us a cab!"

Can obediently complied as he understood that this was definitely NOT the time to have an explanation with her ... The three of them entered the taxi, Sanem in the middle. An old woman was sat on the other side and he had absolutely no idea of who she could be.

"So you're the hunk?" she said.

Sanem let out a loud wail.

Distressed by a situation in which he felt completely out of place, Can thought he heard it wrong.

"I'm sorry! You were saying?"

Sanem looked at Emel and her eyes implored her not to repeat what she had just said.

"I said. So you're the punk!"

"The punk?" God ... Can felt like he had landed into a parallel dimension. "My name is Can Divit. Nice to meet you Mrs ...?"

"Little punk! Don't you recognize me? I'm Emel ... Metin's grandmother ... We met when you were still in high school ..." explained the old lady.

Can smiled at her out of politeness but he guessed that she could see that he had no idea of who she was ... Ah Metin ah! Here we go again! His time would come ... But right now he had to deal with Sanem, and old woman and ... and a baby who was coming!

He turned to Sanem and asked innocently, "But, how did this happen?"

Sanem was fuming.

"Really?! That is the only question that has come to your mind? How? Did? This? Happen? Well Can Divit, may I remind you that you were there too!" she sneered.

"Okay, Okay Sanem ... What can I do to help? You're gonna have to tell me because I ..." he started.

Sanem cut him short, "Shut up and hold my hand". As she felt another contraction rising, she started to squeeze Can's hand harder and harder, making him grimace. He thought it safer and wiser not to comment on the pain she had just inflicted him.

The contractions were getting closer and fortunately they arrived quickly at the hospital. He helped Sanem to get out of the taxi and supported her as she was slowly walking towards the doors. A couple of nurses welcomed them and installed her on a wheelchair. Then he was told to go to the reception to fill in the admission papers.

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