Tied By More Than Sin

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Meliodas's right hand caressed my cheek. As he did so, I could feel the mark once again appearing on my forehead as my eyes changed to match his. He seemed to be satisfied by this, but not satisfied enough with the state I was in.

Even when he was in what I knew as his berserk state, he still seemed to recognize me and know my state of health. He knew something was wrong, that I wasn't up to strength.

Using his sword, his swiftly sliced open his palm and much to the horror of those around us, lowered it so the blood was trickling into my mouth.

This was what had happened fifteen years ago. Meliodas, in an act of desperation to save my life, drew his own blood by slitting his wrist. As I lay dying in his arms, I barely remembered the feel of the blood passing my lips and changing my biology, so that I could became part demon. I also couldn't remember the words he spoke as he cried when at first glance, my body seemed to not be responding to the blood with healing properties.

My transformation wasn't much of a transformation as it was a transition. Soultreaders were more than accustomed to taking in demon's blood. Many of my kind had mated with demons, and it was generally encouraged by the Queen. The biggest difference I experienced was the scope in power. I gained new abilities that I needed to be able to control.

Luckily, Meliodas created my dagger for that exact purpose: a way for me to control and siphon my power.

In any other situation, I likely would have refused his offer and shoved him towards whatever battle we were pursuing at the time. This time, however, I was too weak to refuse, and he knew it.

I didn't bother fighting him on it. There was no need to as he was only trying to keep me safe, a seemingly new agenda beginning fifteen years ago.

Instead, I relaxed and let him hold me as the substance of life once again trickled past my lips. When Meliodas was satisfied, he laid me back down and flew off. I groaned and rolled over, locking eyes with Ban.

"We need to get Elizabeth out of here," I stated. "Take her. I'll take care of Meliodas."

I couldn't watch the fight between Meliodas and the Holy Knight—not because I didn't have the stomach for it, but because I had to be focused on snapping him out of his berserk state before he was either severely injured or before someone else was.

It hit me.


Diane could get rid of the Holy Knight while keeping Meliodas safe which would make it my job to snap him out of his state.

I ran to where I'd last seen Diane. She was standing beside Hawk's mom and talking to Howzer. As he disappeared, I faced her.

"Diane, you need to help the Captain! He's up against a foe he's in no state to fight!" I shouted to her.

It didn't take much.

She looked towards the fight with murder in her eyes. We heard one last crash before everything went silent. I couldn't feel Meliodas's power.

He was in trouble already.

I drew my dagger and bolted, running as fast as I could. Even Diane seemed to have trouble keeping up.

A tingle crept up my back and around my eyes as the dagger began interacting with the fresh blood in my system and the power now brought to the surface.

I skidded to a stop between Meliodas and the Holy Knight facing him just fast enough to hear the end of his little speech.

"—once I've retrieved the hero."

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