Elizabeth's Resolve

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After the disaster in Vaizel, I had become more lenient with allowing Meliodas to put me to sleep. It was a silent shared agreement between the two of us. We could both sense the storm approaching although neither of us knew when it would strike. As a result, we had both made certain we were each up to the task especially now with Elizabeth's safety at stake.

For the first time in the past few days, I awoke from sleep silently. It was odd to say the least. What was more odd and very concerning was the silence in the tavern. It wasn't normal for the tavern to not have anyone in it.

A twinge of pain in above my eye caused me to nearly slap myself in the face within the first few seconds I was awake. A feeling of dread settled over me. Either Meliodas had lost control, or he was using his power against something. Neither one was a good thing.

"Damn it, Captain. What did you get yourself into?"

I dragged myself out of bed, quickly grabbing weapons as I went. There weren't many lying around, but my dagger and my sword made an excellent addition to my arsenal. It was a shame I'd never been allowed to possess my secret treasure.

I laughed derisively.

I knew exactly why I'd never possessed it. I was more dangerous with my secret treasure than without it just like the rest of the Sins. The difference was that my power could rival Meliodas' with my treasure. With two sides of power, that was a very dangerous mix. I learned that lesson already.

"The captain sure is late."

I heard a murmur from outside. Diane! I wasn't alone in the tavern!

"Could be that he caught something awesome!"

I walked downstairs and nearly tripped on the last step. I hadn't realized Elizabeth was still here. Usually, she was with the captain. Before I could regain my bearings, loud thudding knocks were heard at the door.

"Hey! Sorry, are you open?"

I glanced at Elizabeth.

"I'll get it."

She nodded.

"For some reason, every other place seems to be closed, see..."

"Welcome!" She chimed from behind me as I opened the door. "Mr. Cain... was it?"

Cain Barzard was at the door frozen in shock with his mouth gaping. I couldn't blame him for it. I knew exactly what was going through his mind. Unfortunately, the poor man never knew my or Meliodas' past. Otherwise, he would have known what was happening immediately.

"If I'm not mistaken, you fought Meliodas in Vaizel..."

"It can't be... Is this a dream? Liz!"

"What?" Elizabeth gasped.

"To see Minerva again, and now you Liz! Oh, I must be dreaming!"

"Barzard," I interjected sharply before he could say too much. "Let me explain inside."

After I told him my story and Elizabeth had shared hers, Barzard sighed.

"I see, so Meliodas and Minerva survived? That's good to hear!"

"Here you go." Elizabeth set a tankard of ale in front of him.

I leaned quietly against a wall in preparation for the coming conversation, knowing at some point I would need to intervene again.

"Ah, so sorry to make a princess of Liones do this..."

Elizabeth gave a sound of reassurance before Barazard continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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