Chapter 4: The Angel of Darkness Revealed

Start from the beginning

"It's to put the blood in." Lancer casually replied. "Oh." Susie simply stated. "Well OK then..." Chara remarked. "Well I mean, ya DID ask..." Vixen said, looking at her younger sister. "Yeah, yeah..." Said sister replied. "Yeah, I'm not, uh, supposed to make a mess." Lancer informed, glancing away for a second. 'Must be his dad's rules.' Vixen thought.

"Anyway, thanks for your feedback! I'm really feeling scary!" Lancer beamed happily. "...Ummm, no problem, I guess. Haha." Susie replied, kinda awkwardly before looking around. "...So are your guys gonna attack us, or...?" Susie trailed off. "...Oh! Yeah!" Lancer seemed to remember something. "...I was so excited, I forgot to bring any guys. But NEXT TIME, it'll be the end for--..." He trailed off.

"...Why do I get the feeling he's gonna ask something pointless?" Chara wondered aloud. "How can you tell that, exactly?" Vixen asked her. "Well, after you hanging out with Sans and Papyrus all the time, I started getting used to Papyrus's silly questions. So much so, that by this point, I can basically TELL when someone's gonna ask something like that. Even if it's not directed at you or me... Difference is, Lancer's questions just make me... Ugggh! You know?" Chara explained. Vixen simply nodded in slight understanding.

"Hey, I've just been calling you guys clowns..." Lancer commented. "Does your team have an official name or something?" He asked. Ralsei seemed to light up at the idea. "Oh, Kris, we should come up with a name!" He suggested, happily. "No, we shouldn't." Susie argued, clearly against the idea.
"Then it's decided! Everyone puts a name in the bucket!" Lancer states, clearly ignoring Susie's remark.

Once everyone had put in their entries, Lancer spoke up again.
"Alright, everyone's put in their entries! Blue person, you can choose. Since you look like you don't care." He said, looking at Kris.

Kris reaches into the bucket, and pulls out a neatly folded piece of paper and handing it to Lancer. "...How much do you wanna bet that that one's Ralsei's?" Chara remarked. "It wouldn't surprise me if it was, honestly." Vixen replied. Lancer then read the paper. ""The Legendary Heroes: The Herald of Fun and Friendship"." He read out loud.

"Yeah, that's definitely Ralsei's..." Chara commented. "Oh, oh! That's mine!" Ralsei exclaimed, proving the light demon's point even more. "Welp, you called it." Vixen simply said. "See, I think it's the perfect name... Because we're all friends: That like to have a lot of fun." Ralsei explained. Chara covered her forehead, somewhat facepalming. "My god, Ralsei, how are you so pure?" She asked. "Chara, I have asked myself that many times, and I still have zero idea.." Vixen remarked.

"Let's change it to something SHORT! INTIMIDATING! Something PUNCHY! Something BADASS!" Susie cut in. "Like what?" Ralsei questioned. Susie struggled to come up with an answer.
"Well, uh... Y'know, for starters... How about just, uh... "The fun gang". Ya know, just, uh, concentrating on the "fun" part." She finally said. "It's perfect!!! Well, see ya, Fun Gang!" Lancer cheered, before running off laughing.

After that, the now named "Fun Gang" continued onward, passing through another glowing-floor puzzle. It wasn't long before they reencountered Lancer yet again. "Hohoho... Well STEP on my boots." The aforementioned boy said as he noticed them. "...Well. That's different. Again, sounds like Papyrus." Chara commented. "If it isn't the Fun Gang. You boys or girls had better turn back while you still can." Lancer claimed.

"Lancer! What is it this time!?" Ralsei questioned. "Hohoho... I'm simply warning you...!" Lancer stated, before taking a step forward. "Something EXTREMELY dangerous is lying ahead!" He added, taking another step. "Hohoho! It's actually really inconvenient!"

Another step.

"Ha! I can't go home at all because I'm so scared!" Lancer exclaimed. Everyone seemed unsure what to think. "Um... OK..? That's... Somewhat concerning..." Chara commented.
"Wh... What is it!?" Susie questioned, before her and her comrades approached. Behind Lancer was the same sentient checker piece from earlier, it just seemed happy to be here.

The Angel of Darkness, And the Demon of LightWhere stories live. Discover now