Chapter 18 : We Have Each Other Again

Start from the beginning

"Maybe with us.", Jinyoung said and Jisoo was a bit stunned at that.

"Us?", Jisoo said, she loved the sound of that, "I like that.", Jisoo smiled.

"I'm so glad you came tonight.", he said suddenly with a smile, "Thank you Jisoo.", he smiled.

"I'm glad you asked.", Jisoo said with a sad smile, "I missed you I really did.", Jisoo said, as her voice cracked, Jinyoung noticed this and he immediately held her hand on the table.

"And now you have me again.", Jinyoung comforted her and Jisoo glanced down at their hands, and she held on his hand tighter, despite all the consequences that were to come if their families find out and all the talking that needed to be done, Jisoo didn't care, all that mattered was that she's finally home. Back in his arms again.

And now you have me again. Jinyoung's words replayed in Jisoo's head. They ended up having dinner peacefully, and Jisoo's heart finally felt whole again after years, she couldn't seem to grasp the fact that they finally have each other again.

After dinner, they ended up walking around the park nearby, laughing and talking.

"Do you still remember my favourite quote?", Jisoo asked suddenly as they walked.

"Are you kidding? Of course I do.", he chuckled, "Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences.", Jinyoung said looking up at her and her eyes were sparkling.

"You got it perfectly.", Jisoo smiled.

"Do you remember mine?", Jinyoung asked with a small smile.

"If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.", Jisoo said confidently, and Jinyoung broke out into a huge grin.

"You look beautiful by the way tonight.", Jinyoung said suddenly, and Jisoo smiled at that, the both of them were full of smiles and laughter that night.

You made my cheeks hurt from smiling too much, and I haven't felt that in a long time. Jisoo thought as she looked at Jinyoung.

"Thank you, you're not so bad yourself Mr Park.", Jisoo teased, and Jinyoung chuckled a bit at that, turning to Jisoo and Jisoo did the same.

Suddenly, Jinyoung snaked his arms around her waist, pulling her closer, and she laughed a bit as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You know that favourite quote of yours..", Jinyoung trailed, "I thought about that a lot after what really made me wonder if the universe will ever fight for us again.", he said looking at Jisoo.

"I'd like to believe they are right now.", Jisoo comforted while caressing his left cheek and then she hugged him, and Jinyoung hugged her back, relieved.

"It's so good to have you back.", Jinyoung said, as he pulled her in even more, swaying them back and forth a little.

"Likewise.", Jisoo said, still hugging him, inhaling his scent. They stayed like that for awhile, just enjoying each other. Deep down the both of them knew that there were still alot to talk about, like what happened, their families, the letters, where do they go from here and such. But to the both of them, that didn't matter right now, the only thing that mattered at the time was that the both of them had each other again.

Always Yours | GOT7 PARK JINYOUNG | BLACKPINK KIM JISOO | JINJIWhere stories live. Discover now