Chapter 28-Epilogue

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Three Months Later

It had been three months since Jihoon and I had finally agreed to be together. I worked out all my problems with Seokmin and we were back to being best friends again. He ended up getting a new stylist and personally I think that he really likes her.

I was so scared when we went public but the CEO was so encouraging to both of us. He said that while I was with Jihoon the music got better and better. So he had no complaints. I braced myself for a flood of hate from the fans, but alas, it never came.

Don't get me wrong, there were some scattered hate comments around the web, but the overall response was positive. Fans liked seeing this new side of Jihoon and they all agreed that as long as I didn't hurt him, that they would be happy.

I'm still a manager for Monsta X. I had the opportunity to go back to Seventeen as their manager but both Jihoon and I agreed that we should try and keep our personal and work lives separate. Shownu had become one of my closest friends. I was happy that no weirdness lingered between us.

But that might be due in part to him setting his sights on a new trainee at our company. All in all, life was good. Steady. I was currently on my way to the studio to surprise Jihoon. I checked over the bento box I made one more time. I had all of his favorites.

I walked through the lobby of Pledis Ent. And as the elevator opened I was met face to face with Dino.

"Noona!" The maknae threw himself into my arms and I gave him a big hug.

"Hey Dino! Where are you off too?" He flashed me a big smile.

"I was heading to lunch but now that you're here I wanna spend some time with you." I laughed as he ran back into the elevator with me.

"How was practice today?"

"No practice today. We were recording our new song all day. It's a thank you song to the Carats!" I loved how enthusiastic he was about this new song. When we arrived on the 5th floor I walked out.

"Is Jihoon in the studio?"

"He should be! Let me walk you all the way Noona!" I giggled and decided not to protest. Once he had made up his mind that was it. We chatted as we walked and when we entered the studio Dino stopped talking immediately.

"Noona, I actually think hes in the practice room, lets go." Dino quickly tried to turn me and push me out the door. I looked at him over my shoulder to argue but what I ended up seeing had my throat going completely dry.

I saw through the glass in the studio, a girl with her arms around Jihoon's neck, leaning in to kiss him. I quickly turned away and handed Dino the bento box I had made.

"Enjoy this Dino. Ill see you later." I said flatly as I ran for the elevator.

I heard Dino calling from behind me but I couldn't look back. I didn't know what I was about to see. But I didn't care to know. I pulled out my phone and quickly texted Jihoon.

Me: Meet me in the lobby. You have 3 minutes or else I'm leaving.

I stuck my phone in my back pocket and glanced at me watch.

1:12 p.m.

Once I reached the lobby I sat at a nearby café table and patiently waited.

1:14 p.m.

One minute. I heard loud footsteps echo through the lobby and I turned to see an out of breath Jihoon. "Y-Y/N!"

I stood up and approached him slowly. I stared into his eyes. Hoping he would say something to me.

"I'm so glad you're here, I—"

"Who was she?"

He stared at me blankly. "That's what I'm trying to tell you, she—"

"Why did you let her get that close to you?" He stopped and looked down.

"Did you kiss her?"

He stared into my eyes. "No." he answered without hesitation.

"Who was she?"

"She was someone I was a trainee with."

"So why did you let her even get that far?" He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Because I'm an oblivious idiot, Y/N. Youre the only girl I ever see. I literally didn't even understand that she was making a move until she put her arms around me." I chewed on the inside of my cheek.

"Alright. I believe you." I saw relief wash over his face. As I looked past him I saw her. "But I need to do something about that." I grabbed his hand and dragged him behind me over to the girl.

"Hey!" She stopped and turned towards me.

"Can I help you?" She stared at me with disgust.

"Yep!" I then turned to Jihoon and threw my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply and I felt him wrap his arms around me and as he started to get more into the kiss I slowly pulled away and licked my lips. Turning to her, I spoke again. "If you ever try that on my man again, you wont have a career." She glared at me and stomped her feet before leaving the building.

"You know if a girl hitting on me will make you kiss me like that, maybe I should talk to more girls." He said playfully.

"Maybe not!" I stuck my tongue out at him and I laced our fingers together.

"Let's go eat, Y/N. I'm hungry." He pouted.

"Well if you hadn't have let her get so close you would've had a lovely bento box." I said as I walked ahead.

"Wait, if I didn't get it, then who did?" He shouted as he chased after me.

"Ask the maknae!" I shouted as I took off in a sprint down the sidewalk to a nearby restaurant.

"Y/N! You better get back here!" I laughed as I heard him chase after me.

I really never expected to have a guy sway my heart as easily as Jihoon was able to. But I am so happy I found him in this big, crazy world. My heart beats solely for him and I know his beats for me. Because he is and always will be the rhythm of my heart.

A/N Thanks so much for reading Rhythm of Her Heart! I hope you guys enjoyed it! I'm sorry if it was a bit cheesy and cliche but I'm a sucker for cliches! Please check out some of my other stories if you enjoy this one. I have more SVT FF Ideas and I would love to know what you guys would be interested in seeing as well! Be sure to follow me and vote!

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