Chapter 17-Happy its you

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Minghao POV

After Y/N had gone to cook, the majority of the guys just went about with their own routines. Those of us in the Performance team were still worried about Dino.

"I think we should go check on him." Hoshi said and Jun nodded in agreement.

"Ill make him a cup of cocoa!" Jun shouted and sprung up to run for the kitchen. I grabbed him by his ear and stopped him.

"I don't think cocoa is what he needs right now, hyung." I released his ear and looked at Hoshi. "Do you think we should all go talk to him or just one of us?" Hoshi sat with his thinking face on for a moment.

"I think we should all go." Said a deep voice behind me. I jumped out of my skin and clutched my heart.

"Christ, Wonwoo could you not sneak up on us?!" I shouted at him and he laughed.

"Mianhae. But on a real note, I think we should all go." I narrowed my eyes at his words.

"What are you up too?" I asked in a flat tone.

"What do you mean?" he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Whatever, I think just the performance team should go. So hyung you stay behind." I grabbed Hoshi and Jun by the collars and pulled them behind me. We arrived outside of Dino's room and I knocked. A faint voice called us in.

"Dino, are you okay brother?" I called in as I poked my head in. I saw Dino laying flat on his face on the bed. I looked at the guys and we all had a collective sigh. I walked over to Dino's side and shook him a bit.

"What was that all about Dino?" he grunted in response and I pursed my lips. "Do you like, Y/N or something?" the room fell silent and he slightly peeked at me.

"And what if I do?" Jun opened his mouth really wide in surprise and Hoshi smacked him on the head.

"Its not that surprising Jun, calm down." Hoshi scolded him. I turned my attention back to Dino before speaking again.

"Dino, you shouldn't like her. We cant worry about girlfriends right now, plus not to mention shes our manager AND older than you." Dino sat up and glared at me.

"I know that hyung. But I cant help it, I really like her, she makes me feel safe." I stared at him for a moment, thinking of what to respond.

"Are you sure that you like her or do you just like her as a friend and its confusing you because shes a girl?" he got very quiet and pondered my words.

"I guess that may be possible.." He said in almost a whisper and stared at the floor. I patted him on the shoulder and walked over to Jun and Hoshi.

"Just consider my words. No matter what, you will always have us three, okay?" I flashed him a smile and he gave me a half smile and nodded.

"Good, now when she's done cooking you better come out and be grateful!" I teased him and motioned for the guys to leave the room with me.


I was working on the broth for the hot pot when I felt someone press up behind me. I sighed and rolled my eyes before turning around to find, you guessed it, Mingyu. I already knew he was about to be annoying so I was prepared.

"Hi jagi~~~" he said in an obnoxiously sing songy voice. I smirked sarcastically.

"Sorry what was that? I couldn't hear you." I said as I fluttered my eyelashes.

"I said, Hi ja—" before he could finish I pushed a spoonful of very hot chili paste into his mouth. His face instantly turned regretful and he yelled out in pain. I smiled in victory and turned him towards the opposite direction.

"Go take care of that, jagi~~~~" I said in a very mocking tone. Suddenly behind me I heard a snicker of laughter and I turned to see Jihoon standing by the fridge and laughing to himself.

 Suddenly behind me I heard a snicker of laughter and I turned to see Jihoon standing by the fridge and laughing to himself

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"Did you see all of that?" I asked nervously and he nodded while laughing.

"I must say, you know how to handle him well, not even Jeonghan or Seungcheol can do that." He walked up to me and held up his hand for a high five. I smiled and reciprocated it.

"Since you're here, would you like to help me cook?" I asked with a smile and he nodded softly.

"Sure, what can I do?" I looked around the kitchen and realized I had already finished pretty much everything.

"Hmm, it looks like Im actually already done, would you mind setting up the living room with silverware and the spare burner so that the hotpot will stay, ya know, hot?" I asked and he chuckled before nodding yes.

I watched him setting up and I found myself smiling without thinking about it. I shook myself out of my thoughts and turned back to the stove. I added the final ingredients and brought it to a simmer. I went to wash my hands before taking the hotpot to the living room and while I was washing my hands I felt someone drape their arm around my shoulder.

"Noona, can me and you do something just the two of us soon?" Seokmin asked me. I smiled softly at him and nodded.

"Sure we can! I need to check your individual schedule tonight and I will let you know when youre free, okay?" he grinned from ear to ear and jumped happily.

"Cant wait Noona!" he ran into the living room as I finished washing up. I picked up the pot with the pot holders and walked it into the room.

"Boys!!! Dinner is ready!!!" I shouted and in sync I heard at least a dozen pairs of feet running for the food. I smiled happily as I watched everyone stare in awe at the food I made.

"Now this is a congratulatory dinner for wrapping up filming for the new comeback. Things are going to get busy soon and I don't know when you boys will get another home cooked meal, so eat happily!" they all responded in unison and began digging in.


The boys agreed to clean up since I cooked. I agreed hesitantly and was about to walk back to my room when I saw Jihoon on the couch. I smiled and leaned over the back of the couch and rested my chin on his head.

I felt him tense up and I moved my head to the side to stare at him. "Jihoon, can we talk for a minute?" He flushed a bit but followed me. We stepped outside and I stretched my arms to the sky. "I hope you enjoyed dinner tonight Jihoon." I turned to face him and his face still seemed red.

I approached him slowly and looked into his eyes. "Wanna know a secret?"

"S-Sure..." he stuttered. I took out my phone and texted something. Suddenly his phone vibrated and he opened his messages and then looked at me with wide eyes.

"Y-You k-know?" he asked sounding very nervous. I smiled and nodded.

"I know. And I'm really happy its you." 

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