Amanda thought of many ways she could make money to pay for the bill, take care of herself and by art supplies for her final test to be submitted on Tuesday. As Amanda tried to figure out her options things began to look bad no one would higher a teenager with no certificate to back her up. She will have to be self-employed if she wanted to save that money but there was no time she needed the money now.

"Maybe if I sell cookies and paintings"

"No that won't work I don't have four years"

"What if I turn to a street musician?" Amanda asked herself

"No no no non of this ideas will ever work"

Amanda was brought out off her despair by her phone; it was ringing; it was Zoey that was calling. Amanda did not feel like talking to Zoey but didn't feel like being on her own either, she could not decide if she should answer or ignore so she decided not to pick the call at all. When the phone stopped ringing she taught it was over until the phone started ringing again even seeming louder and harder to ignore but she still did not pick. When Amanda decided to look at her phone she saw that Zoey had left her a voice mail.

"Amanda I am sorry about yesterday and I can explain everything lets meet, I am coming over to your house." the message said. Amanda was a mess she hadn't bathed and the last thing she wanted Zoey to see was her weakness but it was too late the message was sent 20mins ago and Amanda was already pressing the doorbell.

"Hello is anyone home" Amanda called out from outside the house. "Amanda, are you in"

Zoey decided that it didn't matter if she looked a mess she was going to tell Zoey exactly how she felt and tell her she was not entitled to know more about her because her trust had ran thin.
"What do you want?" Amanda asked as she opened the door.

"Well it's not a matter of what I want is a matter of what you need" Zoey said in an urgent voice.

"What could I possibly need from you?" Amanda asked in a harsh tone.

"How do you think I found out that you where an alien, do you really think that I didn't want to tell you? But I promised your mom I wouldn't so if you want to hear the remaining parts of the story you will try and bear your anger a little longer." Zoey said tired of Amanda continuous outburst of anger.

"Okay how did you find out?" Amanda said uninterested.

"It's not safe outside lets go inside and we will need your mom" Zoey said.

"My mom is in the hospital, so I guess you will have to tell me the part you know" Amanda said as Zoey entered the room.

"What happened to her?"Zoey said in a caring voice.

"She had a stroke yesterday when I was out but that isn't the point for now is it" Amanda said.

"Okay you want the truth well this is it. The day we met I told you that you reminded me of something didn't I, well this is what you reminded me off, the men I saw in the forest when I was small. First of all I ignored the chances of it being possible, but later after meeting you once every week I could not help being curious, so I took some hair, blood and saliva and tested them. They all had something foreign in them, so I decided to ask you about your parents, you told me that you don't know where and who your father Is, so I decided to ask your mom, your mom did not want to tell me at first but after she found out that I already knew she told me your father was an alien, she didn't tell me the story of how they met or why you don't know him but she did beg me not to tell you anything that it was safer if that way and also she told me your father is alive. There is more you are probably wondering why you have probably not been able to move things with your mind? The answer is simple the glass you broke in my lab was a recessive genes enhancer so when you attempted to move it, it moved quiet freely, but there is a question I have to ask you, has any strange thing happened to you since last night? "

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