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Wanda POV

Two months. It's been two months since I last saw Vision. I missed him but I knew that he was working on making sure the world is safe. I miss the mornings that I would wake up in his arms. I just want to be in his arms again.

I sit on my bed, drinking my cup of tea and reading one of the books Vision left the last time he was at my small apartment in Edinburgh. The rain was comforting as it calms me down. Out of the blue, I hear someone knocking on the door.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I put my book down and walk over to the door. I open the door to find my boyfriend with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, smiling sheepishly.

"Vis, you're here," I pull him into the apartment.

"Wanda..." Vision opens his mouth to talk but I stop him with a kiss.

"Don't say anything. Don't apologize. Anything. I know you were out saving the world but you're here now. That's all that matters." I tell him, pulling him for another kiss. We pull away.

"I hope you like the flowers. I didn't think that I should see you for the first time in two months empty-handed." He said, trying to move the conversation along. I chuckle and kiss his cheek.

"They're perfect. Thank you." I say. "I'm hungry. I was thinking I could make some paprikash. I have the ingredients in the fridge." I say pulling him towards the kitchen.

"Sure. You can teach me how to make it properly this time." He pecks my lips and helps me cook. I teach him some tips and tricks to make my mom's recipe for paprikash. He stands behind me watching me cook with his arms around my waist. Once the meal is done, I plate it and we sit down at the table. We talk about what we have been up to for the past two months while we eat.

After dinner, Vision helped me clean up the kitchen. As we were washing the dishes, I started thinking quietly.

"Love, you're being very quiet. What's wrong?" Vision asks as he walks up behind me, kissing my temple.

"I'm just thinking. I'm worried that I will have to say goodbye to you sooner than I would like. I don't want to do that." Vision turns me around and kisses me softly.

"I'm here now and that's all that matters. I have two weeks with you so let's make it count." He says, pulling me into his chest.

"Tony gave you two weeks?" I ask him, looking up at his face.

"He knows that we have been apart for longer than we should have and gave me a couple of weeks for us to spend together." He leans down and pecks my lips.

"Perfect. Now let's go to bed." I say pulling him towards my bedroom. As I change into my pajamas, Vision sits on the bed. He reaches over and grabs the book I was reading earlier.

"Wanda, is this my book?" He asks holding the weathered book up for me to see. I nod, climbing into bed next to him.

"You left it here last time. I imagined you reading it out loud to me. It was comforting." I say, cuddling into his warm body.

"I'll read to you tonight if that's okay?" Vision says. I nod and he opens the book where I had my bookmark, reading aloud the words. His soft voice lures me to the most peaceful sleep I have had in two months.

The End

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