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"cyrus..." i looked up. more terrified than ever. "cyrus im sorry, i just..too confused. i have to go." he ran away, but not before looking back at me. whatever that was about.

i walked home trying not to cry, he ran away. he kissed ME. then he just walked away. i felt anger, and pain. though i understand why he left and im not mad at him.

i can't be mad at him.

(end of flashback)

a week. that's how long it has been. a week since i last saw or heard from tj. buffy and andi have come over everyday to try and convince me to let them talk to him. they'd be mean so i said no.

yet here they are again. "guys let it go. me and tj will be fine. he needs space right now. you guys need to stay out of it please."

they sigh, "we have a gift for you." i look at them awkwardly, "what do you mean? what did you do?"

"get ready, we are going to the spoon."


we got to the spoon and sat down. i sighed when seeing tj walk in. these girls. he looks straight at me and my heart flutters. no stop cyrus he doesn't like you.

my heart started pounding and my hands got sweaty and the boy hasn't even sat down yet. i am a mess.

"we will go, have fun you two!"

"hey wait! girls! ugh" i slam my head down on the table. "h-hey underdog." i look at the boy who is now sitting across from me.

"hi tj.."

"cyrus im so sorry, i didnt mean to run. once again, i ruin everything. i like you underdog. i like you a lot.."

"tj i like you too.."

he smiles at me and my cheeks heat up immediately. "i have never been open with my feelings besides to buffy and andi of course."

he shrugs, "you're the first person to know i like boys." i nod, kind of already figuring that.

"so w-what do we do now." his small smile turns into a wicked grin.

"we swing, let's go!" i chuckle leaving with him to go to the park, winking at andi and buffy who were trying to hide and eavesdrop. they didn't do it very well.

we wall to the swingset. "huh this is weird, usually when i come to the swing set its to scare you and try to desperately get your attention."

i sigh, looking over at the boy. "you've always had my attention tj. this is why i called you oblivious." he chuckles, looking over at me.

"we'll figure it out underdog."

i smile back, "we always do."


Authors note:

I updated! Yay me! 😂

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Until next time,

~Aj 👽

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