Chapter 9.

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(Joe's perspective)

I walk into the market place to get groceries until I see a small group of people surrounding the new's paper boy.

"Did you hear the news?!" I hear a man shout.

"What news?" Another man asked.

"Give me one of those papers!!" Another man shouted at the small boy.

I walk over to the crowd to se what's going on.

"A shippers boat sank into the sea yesterday." A man said.

I gasp, oh my goodness.

"Only on man survived to say what happened." The man said.

"What happened?" Another man asked.

"They where fishing for our local fish shop but they didn't ran into a fish. They found a real mermaid." The man said.

Everyone gasped.

"Mermaid's aren't real." The small boy said.

"Oh really?" The man asked again and showed the little boy

Is it Taylor? The mermaid I saw that saved my life?

I have to go see to find out.

I grabbed a news paper saying where the ship went down and went back home to figure out what I'm going to do.

When it got dark I snuck out of the house and went onto the beach.

I found an old small paddle boat and got inside. I placed my lantern on the small hook on the boat. I looked at my map and the news paper to see where I need to go. I begin to move my small boat out into the ocean.

I have been floating out into the ocean for an hour now and I still don't see  Taylor.

I was just about to give up until I see something on a big rock.

I shine my light closer to the rock and I see Taylor laying unconscious on the rock.

I row my boat closer to Taylor on the rock but when I get closer I see a giant spear in her tail.

Oh no I have to get it out.

I get my boat as close to the rock as close as possible and I try to tie a rope to the rock so my boat won't float away.

I get into the rock and I look at Taylor more closely. Her skin looks pale and her body seems to have dried up from not being in the water for so long.

I look at her tail with the spear in it.

Some blood has trickled down her tail and onto the rocks and some has already dried up.

It looks like she tried to pull it out but she couldn't get it out.

I carefully grab the spear and pull as hard as I could.

The spear moved slightly, I looked back up at Taylor who didn't move as all.

She must have passed out from the pain or exhaustion.

I grab onto the spear more tightly and pull as hard as I can.

I pull the spear out of her tail as lost of blood drip off of the spear and I throw the spear into the ocean.

I grab a cloth from my pocket and place it on the wound to try to stop the bleeding.

I wrap the wound up and tie it in a not so it's secure on her tail.

Hopefully that will help.

I look at Taylor and she seems really pale and weak.

I touch her forehead and her skin feels really dry.

I hear a meth that mermaids can't live out of the water and they always need to be wet.

I begin splashing water on her skin and her body begins to soak up the water. I splash more water on her body and her skin isn't as dry as it was before.

I grab my coat from the boat and put it into the water I take my coat out and it's completely soaked.

I place my jacket over Taylor and she moves slightly in her sleep.

I gasp and freeze.

Taylor then grabs the coat and wraps it tightly around her body and falls back to sleep.

I can't leave her hear on this rock.

What if the hunters come back and try to find her like this?

I carefully pick Taylor up and put her in my boat.

I get into the boat as well and look for a place to hide her in.

I look for a place for forty minutes until I find a water cave.

That's a perfect hiding spot.

I row my boat into the cave and I stop my boat by a small spot where it has lots of rocks by it. I pick Taylor up and I carry out of my boat. I place Taylor on the ground and look around.

Yeah she would be safe here. There is lots of water to keep her alive.

She moves on her sleep again as she lays in a big puddle of water. She stretched and moved into a spot where more water went over her body and went back to sleep.

Taylor will be confused when she wakes up on how she got here. But hopefully she will be okay here.

I get back into the boat and make my way back into town.


Author's Note

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