Chapter 1.

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I pick up my small mirror and look at myself. I fix my hair as I get the nots out with my fish bone brush.

"Taylor your father wants to see you." Tree my family's assistant says from my bedroom window.

"What is it?" I ask.

"He says it's urgent." Tree said.

I sigh, "Tell him I'm on my way." I said and Tree nodded her head and swam off.

I swim over to Dad's throne in the dinning room, a tall merman is beside him. The merman is tall with strong muscles blonde hair and he has blue eyes.

"Taylor I want you to meet someone. This is Adam Harris. He is a prince in Atlantic Ocean." My father spoke.

"Hello." I said.

"It's lovely to finally meet you Princess Taylor." Adam said.

"I've talked to his father the king in the Atlantic Ocean and we decide on a deal." Father said.

"Deal?? What deal?" I asked.

"This is Adam Harris. I want you to marry him." My dad said.

"What?!" I asked in shock.

"His family is the second wealthiest in the sea. We need to merge with his family so we can grow as an economy." My father explained.

"I don't even know him." I said.

"You will get to know each other in the next few days before your wedding." Father said.

"I still don't know him. I will barley know him!" I yell.

"Taylor. Try to understand this." My father said.

"No I don't want to merry him." I yell.

"You can't make me do this!!" I yell frustrated at my father.

"It is law and what I'll say is final!" My father yells sternly back at me.

I can't believe this.

I start to cry angry at my father. I swim away in anger not wanting to see him right now.

I swim farther and farther away from my castle. As the more frustrated and angrier I got the faster I swam in the water.

The farther I get away the darker the water got making it harder to see. My lungs are burning from breathing so heavy and at how fast I'm swimming. I stop trying to make myself from crying but tears are still falling from my eyes.

I don't want to get married. I'm only 29. I know that's old in Mermaid to get married and it's normal for a mermaid to get married at a young age. This isn't the first time my father has tried to force me into a marriage it didn't work out and we divorced or I called the marriage off. That's what I'll do again.

I know my father wants me to get married and I know he wants the best for me but I'm just simply not ready yet. I want to travel the ocean. I want to discover new things. I know there is so much for me if I get married that will stop me.

Suddenly big booms are heard and bright flashes of light explode up above the water.

I gasp and looked up above the surface.

More explosions are heard and bright flashes go off in the sky up above.

There it is again!!

What is it?

"Oh no no Taylor don't go up there!! You know mermaids are not allowed on the surface when humans are around." Meredith father's assistant said.

"I'll look without being seen." I said starting to swim up.

"No! Taylor stop!" Meredith yelled.

I go up above the water and see thousands of stars in the sky. I hear faint noises coming from the island and bright things are shining off of it.

I see something shoot up into the air and it explodes with a loud noise and it gets suddenly bright making me cover my eyes a bit.

Wow it's so pretty.

Honk!! Honk!!

The loud noise making me jump turning around and a big moving thing is getting close to me. I gasp going back under the water so no one see's me.

I look up as it moves past me I look down at it and I see a big moving thing spinning around really fast making a lot of bubbles in the water. It continues to move really fast through the water getting farther away. 

I rise up above the water and follow it without being seen.

I hear loud noise and chatter from humans. It sounds like they are all talking to one another. What are they doing on that thing? Why are they on it? Can they not swim?

"Taylor!" I hear Meredith yelling again.

"You know you are not be around humans! It's dangerous." Meredith said.

"So what? They are more scared of me than I am of them." I said rolling my eyes.

"They can kill you. They have theses machines that shoot something that can kill you." Meredith said.

"And I have sharp teeth that I can rip their throats out if any of them tied to do that. I can defend myself Meredith. I'm not a little girl anymore." I said defending myself.

"And you know Mermaids are supposed just imaginary creatures to humans. If they find out you are really real." Meredith said and shivers.

"They are going to kidnap you and torture you. Or even kill you so they can display your body out for the whole human world like they do with sharks." Meredith said.

"They won't catch me. I'm too fast for them. Or I'll kill them." I said.

"Oh!!!" I hear a yell from the boat making me go back under the water.

Suddenly something falls into the water sinking down deeper and deeper into the water.

I gasp excitedly.

"Taylor don't you even think about it!" Meredith yelled.

I swim as fast as I can to grab it, I get closer to the boat and grabbed the object. It's some type of jewelry of some kind that human's wear. There is a little door of some kind on it. I struggle to get it open but I eventually get it to work.

I see a gorgeous looking man in it, he is the most beautiful human I have ever seen. His eye's are so blue like the ocean.

I hear a boom above me making me jump looking up at the bottom of the thing I'm under.

I swim back over to Meredith, "You are in big trouble young lady! Just wait until your father hears about this." Meredith said.

"What is he going to do? None of the human's saw me." I said.

"Come on we are going home right now." Meredith said.

"Fine." I said and swam home.

Author's Note
      Here is a new story of mine! I hope you like it! It's inspired by Disney's The Little Mermaid. And Taylor dressed up as Ariel for her New Years Eve party. And the Little Mermaid was released in 1989! How cool is that?! And it's one of my favorite Disney movies.

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