Chapter 5.

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Seven days go by and Joe should come see me tonight.

As I sing the water in the ocean gets more rocky and bigger,

It's now night time and I swim to where I last saw Joe, I wait for a couple of minutes when I hear ruffling in some bushes.

I duck down to hide myself then Joe walks out.

I smile and rise back up to see him, "Joe!" I whisper but loud enough for him to hear.

I turns and see's me, he walks over to me.

"I thought I'd never see you again." Joe said.

"I thought you wouldn't have made it by your wounds." I said.

"Well you saved my life." Joe said, "Thank you." He said.

"You're welcome." I said.

"Why did you save me?" Joe asked.

"I thought you where gorgeous." I said.

Joe smiles shyly and blushes, "Thank you."

"You're beautiful as well." Joe said making my heart pound in my chest.

Why I'm I feeling this way?

I can't have feelings for a human. It's unheard of before by our kind and from human's. We are make believe creatures for humans for Christ sake. If other humans find out about mermaids we will be hunt down and killed. We'd be shown off as trophies our tales hung on a wall or walked on like a rug.

"What should I do as a thank you for saving my life. Simply saying it isn't enough." Joe said.

"Oh you don't have to do anything for me. I don't need anything." I said.

"Please! I must! What should I do for you? Keep you save from Mermaids hunters?" Joe offers.

I look back stunned, "What? You can do that?" I asked shocked at his question.

"Yes. I can work for the hunters and lure them away from you and your friends. If you have mermaid friends or anything." Joe said explaining his offer.

That could help my friends and I. Should I say yes? We could hunt without worry for a while for hunters capturing us.

"How do I know you are telling the truth?" I ask.

"You have my word and you have my necklace." Joe said grabbing the necklace and looks at me in the eyes.

"You have my word that I will protect you from hunters. I will do anything to keep you safe. You saved my life so you have my word!" Joe yelled demanding looking me in the eyes.

He is telling the truth.

I believe him. I just know he is telling the truth.

"Okay. I believe you." I said.

"As long as you have that necklace you have my word." Joe said hanging the necklace back to me and I put it back on.

"And you have my word that none of my friends and I will hurt you or the men on your ship." I said.

Joe and I continue talking for a few more hours. He tells me more about his human family, his father is a welder and his mother is a baker selling food in the town. He told me about his childhood and I told him more about my mermaid life. It's so strange how human life and mermaids life isn't that different at all in comparison. We both have communities that thrive and grow to live.

By now the sun is starting to rise and the birds star starting to wake up and chirp.

"I have to go. My parents will begin to wonder where I am if they wake up and realize I'm gone." Joe said.

"When can I see you again?" I ask.

"If not soon then look for my ship. I'm on the ship called Norfolk it has its name on the side of it and we have the Union Jack flag." Joe said.

"Okay. I'll find it." I said.

"Goodbye." Joe said.

"See you soon." I said and I went back underwater.

Author's Note

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But Daddy I Love Him. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن