"We Don't Have To Fight"

Start from the beginning

The picture was Magnus asleep, laying draped across my body. His head was on my shoulder and he looked at peace. Our hands were interwoven, a wedded rune across our wrists (I don't know if that is actually where wedded runes go, it sounded familiar so I put it down), marriage rings on our ring fingers. On Magnus' hip bone was a tattoo that said; Alec Bane. It wasn't even something that I was aware that I wanted but it seemed so obvious now, so right.

"I didn't know your last name was Bane" Clary teased.

I chuckled lightly and flipped to a page that I had seen earlier, "Didn't know yours was Herondale". She made an alarmed face before buckling over in laughter. I laughed lightly along with her.

"Oh no the world is ending. Alec is being friendly to someone who isn't Magnus Bane. Oh dear, I think I'm going die. Oh no, neurotoxins are in the air and everyone has died. Oh dear" Jace exclaimed dramatically. I rolled my eyes.

"The world is always ending, you get used to it" I joked.

"You better not be that friendly with my girlfriend Mr. Lightwood, I'll be after you"

"Jace I have no interest in Clary like that" I replied to my overdramatic parabatai.

"You better not, I might just have to kill you" said someone behind me. I turned around to see my smirking boyfriend.

He was clean, free of visible blood. Magnus wasn't wearing a shirt but there were bandages covering the majority of his chest. He had a cast on his shoulder and a metal correcting brace on his right leg, on top of his sweatpants of course.

I walked over to him and laid my forehead against his. "You wouldn't dare kill me"

"I wouldn't but I will definitely suffocate you" he replied sexily.

"That might be able to be arranged" I replied as I leaned in for a kiss.

"No, nope" Catarina said, breaking us apart." That is a no go for you two. He needs to heal and that keeps him from it"

"It was just a kiss" Magnus protested.

"Yeah, it starts off with a kiss, and then the two of you are scrounging for an empty room and he gets returned to me broken" Catarina replied.

"But Catarina" Magnus complained.

"Not up for discussion. You two can't be alone together" Catarina demanded.

I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around Magnus' waist. He turned around in my embrace, his back to my chest. I stared Catarina in the eye as I bent down and kissed Magnus on the cheek.

"I mean guys, if you guys keep going at this rate then Magnus will break something" Isabelle said.

"Fine" I relented.


Magnus and I were making out in a dark room, away from everyone else. I know we weren't supposed to, and I was doing a great job at keeping my hands to myself, but when Magnus would slide his hands down the length of my body and kiss all over my face and neck, I couldn't do anything but let him have his way with me. It truly wasn't my fault.

He pulled away and laid his forehead on my. He probably knew that I could barely breathe.

"Mags?" I asked, capturing his attention.

"Mm?" He responded.

"What happened to give you all of those injures?" I inquired.

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