secret dancer // k. bakugou

Start from the beginning

ashido was right, there was nothing bad with telling bakugou, but you knew you would never be able to do it. but you had no knowledge of the plan bubbling in her pink little mind.

"bakugou!" ashido called over the crowd. her horns and pink hair were pretty distinguishable over the numerous amounts of people, and the blond made his way over to the girl with the signature scowl on his face.

"the fuck did you get me into?" bakugou growled.

he would have rather been at home playing video games, cracking open a cold one with the boys while waiting for you to get home from whatever it was you were doing. but instead, the annoying raccoon-eyed pinkie pie had somehow roped him into attending a concert he didn't want to go to in the first place. sure, the band was great and pretty popular, but he wasn't sure why he had to go.

but the girl just laughed, "you asked why (name) was always so busy, didn't you? i promise you won't be disappointed."

the blond huffed but said nothing in reply.

the pair waited in line for almost an hour before their tickets were scanned, and they were motioned inside. the venue was packed, and bakugou was silently thankful that ashido had somehow managed to get her hands on vip passes (from a good friend on the inside, she said). they were sat in one of the booths towards the top; it had the perfect view of both the band's stage and the dancers' stage.

"i've been waiting forever for this!" ashido exclaimed with a bright smile.

bakugou glared. "that's all fine and fucking dandy, but where the hell is (name)?"

but the girl grinned. "just wait!"

and then the lights dimmed. the crowd began to scream, and the blond had become even more annoyed. he may have dealt with constant explosion and the screams of terrified civilians, but fuck all if concerts weren't annoying and bothersome as hell.

he let his eyes wander around the stage. there was the standard instrument setup–a drum kit towards the back of the stage, three microphones set up at the front, two guitars on parallel parts of the stage, and a bass next to the drums. he watched the band walk out to their own instruments, saying hello to the crowd and then introducing the dancers that would be accompanying their set.

most of the names flew in one ear and out the other, but the last one, that was the one that caught his attention.

"and last, but certainly not least, the beautiful and talented dancer, (last name, first name)!"

the crowd had gotten even louder than when the band had first walked on. his crimson gaze trailed down your figure, and he could feel his pants tighten ever so slightly as he noticed the outfit you were dressed in.

"worth it?" ashido asked as the girl's eyes watched the blond with a smug grin.

he looked over at the ex-classmate with a stern expression. "the fuck is this?"

"(name)'s a dancer here at the venue, every single weekend. she's pretty popular, and i guarantee a good portion of the crowd is here for her alone," the girl replied.

"why the fuck didn't she tell me?" he grumbled.

but ashido shrugged, "dunno, really. i think she was embarrassed or something, said some stuff about, you know, how you're a pro-hero, and she's just a dancer. maybe she thought you'd be disappointed, but that's up for you two to talk about. she doesn't even know you're here."


"shh!" the girl hissed. "the show's starting! watch your girlfriend!"

the blond rolled his eyes, but he shifted his attention back to your presence on stage.

bakugou wasn't disappointed in the slightest. if anything, he was impressed, very impressed. those crimson eyes never left your body as you moved your hips to the beat and kept in sync with the rest of your dance crew. god, you were so fucking fluid with every single movement, it was remarkable. he even had to shift in his seat a few times to, uh, ahem, adjust his position. he'd even hollered your name in praise once or twice, ashido laughing at him each time.

but all too soon, the show was over. thankfully, though, the vip passes had allowed the two access to the backstage. it wouldn't have made a difference though, as ashido never missed an opportunity to see you perform, the backstage crew and the security recognized the bubbly pink girl and sent her and bakugou straight to your dressing room.

"knock, knock!" ashido called from outside your door, a placard with your name in messy scrawl written across it.

"come in!" you shouted back, your voiced muffled by the door.

the pink girl let herself in, and bakugou trailed behind her. your back was to the two of them, but the blond had taken it upon himself to walk himself right up to you. his arms circled around your waist, and you scoffed at the unwanted contact.

"sir, i have a boyfriend, if you could please–"

"trust me, i know," he replied, voice slightly hoarse from the screaming.

you went rigid, "katsuki?"

ashido giggled, "i'll be right back. let you two have, uh, a minute or two." the door shut behind you, and your posture eased slightly as the two of you were now in private.

the man twirled you around with a proud grin, "that was some show, (name)."

red blossomed across your cheeks. "y-yeah?"

"yeah," he murmured. "why didn't you fucking tell me?"

you shifted on your feet. "we-well..., i-i don't know, i was just kind of... embarrassed, maybe?"

he rolled his eyes, "the fuck do i have to be embarrassed about? my fucking amazing and beautiful girlfriend is a dancer at one of the hottest venues for miles, and not just that, but the best dancer at this fucking venue!"

a smile made its way across your lips, and you lifted your gaze to his crimson hues. "you think so?"

the blond smirked, pulling you flush against him. "think? fuck that, i know so. and, i'm requesting a private show for later tonight."

"a private show?" you hummed, snaking your arms around his neck. "i think i can manage that, but... not for free."

"dinner's on me tomorrow night," he replied. "how's that?" his breath fanned over your lips as he craned his neck to lean closer to you.

you smiled, your lips ghosting over his. "sounds like a plan."

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