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"You guys are disbanding. End of discussion." said that man in the black blazer standing up from the black comfy couch. He then began walking towards the big window which is displaying the whole city of Los Angeles .

Meanwhile the 5 guys still on the couch not knowing what else to say to defend themselves . They had no choice but to zip their mouth up. It is true, they have lost their fans and get a lot of hate lately. Even though they weren't the causes of all the rumors, they still have no power to be mad at their boss. It was so obvious that he wanted them to disband.

"You heard me? Pack all your things here and get it all out of this building" He said still facing the glass.
Non of the guys dare to open their mouth to reply him after a few seconds. That old man sigh and give Jack a death glare before walking out of the room.

As soon as the door shut, Corbyn close his eyes for a few precious moments, he breath deeply and let his breath out in a long, relaxing sigh. Zach's face is pale as if he was holding his breath for 20 minutes.

"I'm sorry" said Jack being the first one to let his voice out after 1 hour.

"It's not your fault. You did the right thing, breaking up with her" said the brunette taping on Jack's back. As the oldest, Jonah knows he's suppose to be there for his brothers after what happened .

"Jonah is right, Emily cheated on you." said Zach grabbing Jack's hand and put it on his cheek. Zach squeeze it hoping it would make Jack calm down a little. He don't like seeing his best-friend like this. The reason he never bother to get a girlfriend is because he loves Jack so much. He wanted Jack to be happy first before him. He wanted to make sure there is someone to comfort Jack when he's sad before he get a girlfriend.

The fans always see the side of Jack who's funny, happy and how goof he is in interviews but Zach see the always see the opposite. When Jack was sad, he cried a lot and never tell anyone about it. He went to Zach's room and end up cuddling with Zach until the morning.

"But if I didn't break up with Em, she wont tell his dad, and her dad wont treat us like a piece of shit, and he wont kick us-" Jack said as his eyes began to watery but got cut of by Daniel.

"no Jack, this is not because of you" Daniel said as he starts to pack his things up.

"Listen Jack, we love you and we will never blame you after what happened. We're your best-friend and we will always be there for you. You've been through a lot of shit lately and it's completely not your fault. Do not blame yourself. Its our boss being an ass toward us. We deserve better Jack. He may said that we're disbanding, but we are not going to listen to him. Not now. Not ever." Zach said grabbing jack into his chest as the boy began to sob.

"I love you Zach. I love you all so much" mumbled the curly head still crying into Zach's chest.

"I love you more bro" Zach said smiling.

"We love you moreeee" yelled Corbyn wrapping both of his friends with his arms.

"Group hug? GROUP HUG!!!!" Daniel yelled from the other side of the room running toward Corbyn, Zach and Jack to join them.

Jonah stand there with a biggest smile on his face as he stares at his best-friends cuteness. He wanted to join them but Jonah being Jonah decided not to because he thinks it would ruin his matureness. He's about to turn around to pack his things up but got pulled by Daniel. He fall on the couch making him super close with the boys. Jonah spread his arms and wrap them around all of his brothers.

Jack who's still sobbing starts to smile. Now he's crying not because he is still sad. But its because he is too happy and no words can explain how grateful he is have this 4 guys as his best-friends.

I cried - eka

𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 ✘ [𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘] Where stories live. Discover now