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"Get the fuck out of here!" Yelled the woman pushing her daughter out of the house. She went back in leaving the door open and come back with a bag. She throws it on her face and slam the door close.

Lyra groaned grabbing her bag and standing up. She threw the cigarette and casually stepped on it. Sighing, she started walking down the street not knowing where to go. Her own mother just kicked her out of the house. She continued making her way out of the neighborhood as far as she can.

She stared up at the sky as she got impressed by the amazing sight above her. For Lyra, night was a special kind of blackness, the kind that wants only to hold the stars and help them to shine all the brighter. It was a warm black that hugged someone no matter what, and within it's safety someone could feel their own soul all the more clearly, that innocent inborn spark.

Lyra kept on walking far away out from the city until she reach at a cliff. Her eyes widened at the jaw-dropping view in front of her. Sitting at the bench near the edge of the cliff, she sucked in deep breaths and slowly began to close her eyes.

'I HATE YOU GABRIELA GONZALEZ' a sudden scream ruined the calm atmosphere making Lyra open her eyes.

'I HATE YOU BITCHY BOSS' scream the person again. Lyra could tell that the voice belong to a a boy who is screaming his lungs out at 3 am.

'I HATE YOU MANAGEMENT' screamed him again.

'thats it' Lyra said to herself and stand on the bench.


'SHUT THE FUCK UP' Not knowing where the fuck is the voice from she just turned around and yell at the trees.

She got down and sit back on the bench. She folded her arms on her chest to warm herself from the night-cold.



Not bother to stand up this time, Lyra just yelled back at the person because she don't know where is the boy. She is not even sure if she is talking to a living soul or a ghost.

At this point, she is too be be concerned nor scared. A few second passed and there is no reply from the boy. She sigh thinking that that boy finally can think straight enough and go home.


Cursing words, Lyra gives up and start walking away from the cliff. She decided to find another place release her stress. She is too tired from all this bullshit.

'.....I WANT TO DIE' the boy screamed again but slower this time. Lyra immediately stop making her steps away from the cliff as her eyes widened at the boys word.

She started to process everything in her head.

A depressed person.
A cliff.
A depressed person.
A cliff.
A depressed person.
A cliff.

'Fuck!' Lyra threw her bag on the ground and started running towards the voice. She had no choice but to go find that boy. She may sound like heartless person earlier but she is not letting anyone do a self-suicide. Especially when she is going to be the last person that boy communicated to.

She run until she reached at the other part of the cliff where she could see a black car parked there.
Assuming that the car belong to the boy she quickly run towards it. At the edge of the cliff, she saw a boy kneeling with his hands on his face. Probably crying his balls out.

'that looks so dramatic' Lyra mumbled to herself not realizing her voice was loud enough for the boy in front of her to hear.

The boy stand up and turn around to face Lyra who is now folding her arms on her chest. Lyra began studying the physical appearance of the boy in front of her.

A really curly hair, rosy and smokey lips, puffy red eyes probably from crying, freckles and a nose-ring.

Her eyes widened when she realized who is actually standing in front of her.

'Jack Avery.' Lyra said as she stepped back.

'Lyra Marie..' said the boy as he make his steps towards Lyra.

'Or i could say.. my bully in high school' he continued smirking at Lyra.

Lyra stay quiet not daring to say words. She regret coming here to save the person in front of him. Yes she used to bullied the boy in front of him back then in high school.

But Jack is not her main victim besides, all she ever did to Jack is locked him a janitor closet when he was taking some stuff from the room. It turned out worst because she never know that Jack's dad was the principal. At the end, Jack got her expelled with other reports about her supporting Jack's report.

'Get the fuck away from me Avery' Lyra push his chest away that was leaning close to her seconds ago. She realize that Jack got taller from the last time.

'Glad you are here, so you can help me' Jack said turning back facing the edge of the cliff.

'No i am not helping you with anything and i am leaving, goodbye Avery' I said starting to walk away from him.

'I'll jump then' said Jack.

Lyra widened her eyes again and quickly making her way back to Jack. She grabbed Jack's arm and pulled him away from the edge of the cliff. Something trapped her feet making her fell down on the ground pulling Jack down with her.

Lyra who was closing her eyes now is squinting her eyes at the bright moonlight. She started to realize that Jack is now hovering her with a biggest smirk on his face. She immediately push Jack by his chest but Jack being Jack decided to stay in that position.

'You smell like cigarettes. Do you smokes Lyra?' He asked leaning closer to her face.

'Not your business Avery. Now get the fuck off from me' She said pushing his chest again.

Jack dry chuckled and get off from her wiping the dirt on his pants. Jack lend his hand to help Lyra stands up but got a death glare from her in return. He laughed at the attitude of the girl in front of her. Feisty.

'What are you doing here at 3 am?' Jack asked leaning at his car.

'What are you doing here screaming your lungs out like a depressed person at 3 am?' Lyra asked back smirking at the curly head.

'Good one' Jack said rubbing his chin with his thumb and index finger.

'You are right, I am depressed. A lot bullshit is going on in my life right now' Jack said sighing.

'Well i don't want to know and i am leaving' Lyra said began to walk away again.

She stopped and turned back to face the curly head who is still leaning at his car.

'And don't even think to jump' she said pointing her index finger at him.

'What if I?' Jack smirked.

Lyra sigh deeply. 'Listen Avery. I hate you but suicide is not the only way you know. Go seek some help from your bandmates or something. I know you are not that stupid'

Jack smiles at her words. Thinking that she care about him even though she tried not to make it so obvious.

'Need a ride?' Jack said as he started the engine of the black car.

'No thanks'

'Are you sure?  There's possibility of me coming back here to jump off the cliff . You don't want that to happen right?'

Lyra groaned and open the door of the passenger sits.

'Thats what I thought' Jack smirked.

'I hate you' Lyra said folding her arms on her chest.

'No you don't sweetheart'

𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 ✘ [𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘] Where stories live. Discover now