Day 9 Ch. 39

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Rosa had never been one to be infuriated. Disappointed, yes. A little bit angry? Of course. She could become irritated just like any other mother. This simple fact made her quite terrifying in the Sanchez home; all the children knew what she was capable of.

The 2016 Christmas Eve night was to - from this point on - be further known as legendary. It wasn't for the fight that broke out or the dramatics that occurred, no. It was because Rosa Sanchez - a woman always known to be careful with the way she treated others - had done the unthinkable.

She'd been the first to move after Benji. She'd stood up from the table and turned to Abuela, the wrinkle line of her face pulled tight with anger.

"You may leave."

Abuela had been appalled; Rosa rebelling had never been a part of her agenda.

"Excuse me?"

"You may leave - as in leave my home."

Abuela blinked once, then twice, all before letting her mouth drop open. "You can't ask that of me!"

"I can," Rosa began, moving out from her chair. "And I will. I'll be paying for your flight home. You will be invited back only on the terms that you can treat my son with respect."

"But, I am your family!"

"Family may be family, but that doesn't excuse you from being a bitch."

Abuela's mouth dropped at that - everyone's did. Even Jaime, who rather agreed with Rosa's choice to kick Abuela from the home, moved in surprise.

"E-Excuse me?"

Abuela didn't look hurt or sensitive over Rosa's choice of words; no, she looked angry. Annoyed. Infuriated.

Rosa though, Rosa was even more so.

"Yes. I will not tolerate my child, or my child's-" She stopped having remembered the revelation of just moments earlier. For that second of silence Rosa seemed to finally register that Keith wasn't her son's boyfriend, and that he hadn't been telling the truth.

This confused Rosa, as it also confused Cleo when she first discovered days earlier. Keith and Lance had looked so in love, so completely devoted to each other. This had done more than make the lie believable - it made the lie enjoyable. Rosa had reveled seeing her son so happy, especially after all he'd gone through. Rosa wasn't the only one either to think this - Cleo, Daniel, Rachel, even Jaime. They could all agree with her.

It broke Rosa's heart, now finally able to separate the lie from the fact.

"Or my child's friend," Rosa finally stated, describing the obvious. "So you will leave. I'm sorry that your Christmas was ruined, but I find that to be something you did to yourself."

Abuela wanted to talk back - she really did. She continued to open and close her mouth, each time ready to say something, only to rethink it all over again. Finally, she slammed her fists against the table, all before moving from her seat and towards her cane. "Fine! I will not dawdle any longer." She paused, turning to give her son one final glare. "I hope you're happy Jaime. I hope you're proud ."

And with that she was gone, retreated to her guest room to pack up her things, leaving the family to sit still in the dining room.

"We're going after Keith," Rosa stated after moments of quiet, moving to retrieve her dinner plate. "But first - you will all clean up dinner. You will forgive each other, you will drop the grudges. And Lance?" She turned, any sign of motherly love now gone. It was replaced with something Lance never enjoyed: the distress of a mother disappointed.

"You will fix this thing you have with Sophia. Now."

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