Day 3 Ch. 13

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Sunday, December 18th

9:08 A.M.

Keith swallowed down a spoonful of fruit loops and looked up from his phone, only to see Lance finally come down the stairs. The two of them didn't dare make eye contact, Lance instead stiffening past Keith on his way to the pantry.

Keith had escaped to the kitchen shortly after their incident, retreating in hopes that he could eat breakfast, text the group, and sit in his pajamas without being bothered. Benji had already approached him earlier (The guy had been banished to sleep in his sister's room and spent as little time in there as possible; hence waking up early) and they'd casually talked for a bit. Keith was terrified it would be awkward, now that Keith knew the truth of Benji's condition. Except, after Keith showed Benji the shower video, he found the young Sanchez boy to be as friendly and accommodating as ever.

Brother like brother, Keith guessed.

Now Keith sat at the island, half eaten bowl of fruit loops in front of him, just hoping that Lance could be just as casual. He didn't want it to be awkward. He wanted his Lance back, the one he could tease and bicker and flirt with.

The two of them were silent, Keith watching Lance pour himself some breakfast out of the corner of his eye. He bit his lip, trying to look completely normal, like seeing Lance butt naked hadn't happened a mere ten minutes ago.

Keith needed to bring the situation up. They'd need to fix any embarrassment before it got worse. But did Keith want to talk about it? Hell, no.

"Lance I-"

Mrs. Sanchez suddenly entered the kitchen in her bathrobe, and Keith silently thanked God for the woman's existence. She could just enter the room and Lance seemed brighter, stood up straighter, color had even flooded to his cheeks. Lance was a mama's boy, and her presence in the early morning definitely helped brighten his mood.

"Morning, Mijo." Rosa stood on her toes to place a kiss on Lance's forehead, as Keith observed was her form of hello. Rosa was such a small woman, especially in comparison to her son, and the sweet exchange made Keith's heart turn every time.

Lance could've easily leaned down for his mother, but it was Rosa who made the extra mile to stand up taller. Keith wasn't sure what it meant, but something told him it was simply the sacrifice she wanted to make.

"Morning, Mamá ."

Keith turned his gaze away from the affection, feeling that familiar tingle in his chest. He instead looked towards the large windows that opened up to the fields behind the house. He could already see Josie and Mateo playing outside, screaming with glee as the kids chased a white goat around the chicken coop.

Rosa began the great task of brewing a pot of morning coffee. "So, how'd you two sleep? I hope you didn't make a mess of the sheets last night. I just washed them."

Lance was about to protest when his eyes went wide, the reality of what she implied finally hitting him like a hammer to the forehead.

The two boys locked eyes immediately, both of them wearing a vibrant, deep blush. They each seemed to launch into a state of panic, suddenly scrambling for an excuse that seemed fit.

Keith spoke first. "We didn't actually-

"Don't worry Mamá it was-"

"There was no sex, Mrs. Sanchez-"

"Obviously we had fun but there wasn't any real mess we couldn't handle-"

Keith choked on his own air. "LANCE!"

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