Text #19

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Text #19

Dear Justin. I remember now ... you didn't want to keep in touch during College. That's in almost three months now. Can you believe we're going to College?

I always thought we'd go to Homecoming together. I honestly didn't picture it any other way. Ashlyn has a date, and so does Colette. She's the French girl in my French class.

Point is, I think I'm going alone. Unless I can convince Elliot to go with me, but just as friends. I honestly don't think that's going to happen though.

The only girl I've seen on you lately is Michelle from your homeroom. You smiled at her the other day, while she was laughing at something you said. When I saw that, something hit me. Something flaring and sharp struck my core. And it felt like April 4th all over again.

I can't believe I'm such a f*cking idiot.

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