Chapter 5

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Sybil's POV

The rain was hitting the dining room windows as we ate breakfast. Father was reading the newspaper, mumbling something about the prime minister.

I finished breakfast and began to head upstairs, but stopped at the foot, turning to the door instead. I checked no-one was around and ran into the rain. The droplets hit my face but I didn't care, I ran to the garage. I stopped when I saw him, lying underneath the car covered in engine oil.

"Tom?" He looked up and slid out from under the car.

"Sybil, you're soaking."

"It was raining." He smiled at me and wiped his hands on an old rag.

"Where and when do you need me to take you?"

"I'm not here to book the car, I came to see you." We stood there staring at each other. I could see happiness in his eyes, in his face, he was happy that I came to see him. I felt happy knowing that he felt that way.

Tom took my hand in his and I gasped at the contact. I wouldn't hold a suitor's hand without getting to know him, but now I was holding Tom's hand and it felt right.

"Sybil?" I stepped back from Tom as Edith entered the garage. "Sybil what are you doing with Branson?"

"I was booking the car for this afternoon."

"Why are you soaking, where's your coat?"

"I forgot to put it on."

"You came out in the pouring rain without a coat to tell the chauffeur you wanted the car for this afternoon?"


"Okay, well they always say the youngest sibling is the one with the most gumption. We should get back to the house, before mama and papa realise we're gone. Cousin Matthew and cousin Isobel are coming for lunch." I nodded and left the garage, turning around to see Tom stood there as I left.

Tom's POV

I watched her leave with Lady Edith and that was when I knew. No matter what I felt for her she would always choose her family over me, she valued everyone else's opinions of her over me. I couldn't let her go though, if she truly loved me she would choose me.

Sybil's POV

I walked back to the house with Edith, but I thought of how when Edith entered the garage Tom just stood there and watched, he left me to put up for myself rather than helping me.

Love Between Classes (Sybil & Branson) (Downton Abbey) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now