Chapter 2

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Sybil's POV

I was sat there, in the dining room, my father on my right, my sister Mary on my left, feeling as though I was child again, eating alone in the nursery while my sisters joined the 'grown ups' at the dining room table.

Papa was talking with granny, mother with Mrs Crawley, and Cousin Matthew being bombarded with conversation from both Edith and Mary. I felt sorry for him, he'd been with us less than a month but was already being persuaded, from multiple angels, to marry Mary.

We went our separate ways after luncheon, Matthew and Mrs Crawley returning home and everyone else wandering off to spend their afternoons in different ways, so I went for a walk through the grounds.

My head was full of thoughts of how boring my life was, how I felt like I was treated as a baby all the time, how I wished I had something to fulfil my time. I took a seat upon the floor as the tears streamed down my face.

Suddenly, a hand touched my shoulder. I looked up to see Branson sitting on the grass beside me.

"Are you okay milady?" I nodded in reply.

"Is there anything I can say milady, to make it better?"

"Oh Branson..." I was cut off by his sudden outburst.

"Please milady, call me Tom." I was shocked by his familiar comment to me, but agreed.

"Okay Tom, I fed up. Every day I spend my time changing outfits and discussing the weather, I want to do something worthwhile, something I believe in." He looked into my eyes, instantly filling me with heat.

"I can think of many things milady, but I doubt your family would approve." We sat there looking at the sky, his hand still on my shoulder.

"Thank you Branson, I mean Tom, however I should be getting back to the house before they send out a search party for me." We stood up in unison.

"I should be getting back to the garage, but I want you to know that if you need anything from me, someone to talk to for example, I'm always here." I smiled at his offer, saying goodbye, before returning to the house.

I suddenly found my need for something to occupy my time gone, as though the boredom I felt earlier had been fulfilled by talking to Tom. I laughed at the thought and continued my day, the thought of our brief encounter lingering at the back of my mind.

Love Between Classes (Sybil & Branson) (Downton Abbey) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now