Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Mrs Hughes POV

I was taking a walk in Rippen, collecting some bits and bobs for Lady Grantham, when I saw one of the cars sat opposite the pub. I headed over to inspect the car when I turned to see Branson and Lady Sybil having lunch in the pub window.

I knew I had to warn him before he got too entangled. Lord Grantham would never allow someone of our class to betroth one of his daughters and I would hate to see the poor lad with no-where to go because he followed his heart.

Tom's POV

I entered the servant's hall as everyone was taking a break while the family were at dinner. I entered the dining room to collect the book I had left there earlier before turning to go back to the cottage. As I opened the back door I heard a voice from behind.

"Mr Branson." I turned to see Mrs Hughes stood behind me, a kind yet stern look upon her face.

"Yes Mrs Hughes."

"I just wanted to say be careful my lad, or you'll end up with no job and a broken heart."

"What does that mean?"

"Goodnight Mr Branson." Mrs Hughes walked off leaving me stood by the open door with my mouth open. She had seen me with Sybil, and now I was going to lose everything.

Love Between Classes (Sybil & Branson) (Downton Abbey) (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora