Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Sybil’s POV


The fire was roaring as I lay on the bed with my book, still in my day clothes, thinking about the whirlwind day I had just had. First I went to luncheon with the chauffeur, then Edmund Renwick asked me to court him, and to end the day Tom had kissed me. My first kiss and it was perfect. When Tom kissed me I felt as though a fire was flowing through my veins, I saw fireworks under my closed eyelids. He awoke parts of me I had never known.

I knew what papa would do if I told him, he would fire Tom and most likely send him back to Ireland, but how else was I supposed to be with Tom. We couldn’t run away, that would upset mama too much and bring shame on the family, but I couldn’t live without him.

I had to choose between Tom and my family, but how was I supposed to make that decision. Then it all suddenly made sense, everything fell into place.

I jumped off the bed and grabbed my coat off the back of the door. I quietly rushed down the stairs, stopping only to contemplate my next move. I couldn’t go out the front door that would attract too much attention, I would have to go out via the servant’s door.

I thanked the stars that the servants slept in the attic while I crept down the cellar stairs. Opening the heavy door I emerged myself in the cold night air. I ran across the driveway, the only sounds filling the empty darkness being my staggered breath and crunching gravel beneath my feet.

As I approached the chauffeur’s cottage I noticed a single light in the upstairs window. I hoped he was still awake. I knocked on the brass door knocker and waited to hear movement inside. Luckily I heard footsteps on the staircase and the door opened to reveal Tom’s handsome face. He was stood there half-dressed, his braces hanging from his waist and his shirt had been replaced by a simple white vest.

“Sybil, come in you must be freezing.” He ushered me into the warm room, shutting the door behind him. “What are you doing here?”

“I can’t do it, I can’t choose between you and my family, so instead I’ve decided to choose you both.” Tom looked at me confused, but soon a smile grew on his face, then he remembered the circumstances we were in.

“Please tell me no-one saw you leave, soon someone’s going to notice that you keep running away.”

“Tom, it’s okay, no-one’s going to stop us once they realise that we love each other.”

“I love you Sybil.” He placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me, once again setting off fireworks all over my body.

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