chapter 10: little kitty through my window

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   Marinette smiled softly, waving Adrien goodbye as he stepped off the porch to get into his limo. His father was expecting him to be home for his photoshoot, at least... that's what Adrien had told her. Besides, There was no other explanation for his sudden need to leave. Adrien smiled shyly, planting a kiss on her cheek making her blush red. "Thank you for a wonderful time Marinette." he thanked politely. Marinette nodded vigorously. "Yes! Of course, I had a great time! Feel free to come back!"

Adrien nodded in reply. he bowed slightly before hopping into his limo. "Oh, I will, sooner than you think..." he whispered under his breath, too quiet for marinette to hear, as he sat down in the back of the silvery vehicle.

Despite the fact that she stared lovingly after Adrien as he drove away, marinette was bubbling with excitement. Soon chat noir would be visiting her house! Marinette gasped as she realized that she would need to "clean up" her room. By that, she had to take down all the photos of adrien so chat didn't get jealous. Or worse, completely give up and not try at all, in belief that it would all be in vain. Marinette's guilt over kissing chat noir during her and Adrien's sleepover was replaced with anxiety. She raced up the stairs to her room, tearing the posters of Adrien down off her walls and shoving them all in a drawer in her desk. Brushing her loose, midnight-blue hair to smooth it, she tied it back into buns with red ribbon. Last, she changed out of her pajamas and into a new outfit. Finely ready,

Marinette looked in the mirror with satisfaction. She wore a white shirt with frilled sleeves. Around her waist was a small, pink skirt and brown flats were slipped onto her feet. Bluebell eyes sparkling with excitement, marinette decided at the last moment to put on a black jacket decorated with green paw prints. She had created the outfit in a chat noir themed style. Smiling in approval, the bluenette swung her pink- cream purse over her shoulder.

Giggling, marinette took a seat at the end of her flowery bed, with a sigh.

"Marinette?" A tiny voice startled her out of her thoughts, as Tikki flew out, the scarlet kwami hovering in front of her master's face. Marinette blinked. "Yes tikki?" Tikki raised an eyebrow in response. "What has gotten you into such a good mood? Is it because you had a sleepover with Adrien last night?" she teased. Marinette giggled. "Well, I did love laying by Adrien last night, but... I am actually excited because cat noir is coming to visit soon!" Tikki's dark blue eyes widened in surprise. "Really? Having a change of heart now, are ya?" she queried gently. Marinette shrugged. "I guess I am." she admitted, blushing. Tikki giggled in delight. "I knew you'd accept your love for Cat Noir eventually!" she hummed. Marinette gasped. "W-wait... you knew I had a crush on him this whole time?" she exclaimed, surprised. Tikki nodded. "Of course! I am your kwami, I get merged with you when you transform and therefore I am revealed to many of your emotions." she explained. "Did cat noir tell you that he was coming?"

marinette nodded vigorously. Tikki cocked an eyebrow speculatively. "When you were Marinette? And not ladybug?" marinette frowned. "N-no..." what was tikki getting at? Tikki sighed. "Well, won't he find it suspicious that you knew he was coming? It would be safer to not make it obvious that you were waiting for him, don't you think?" she prompted her master. Marinette's gaze cleared. That's what tiki was trying to say! "Oh, uh y-yah! You're r-right! I will, um in the m-meantime, uh, w-work on my d-designs!" she decided, immediately picking up her sketchbook to draw out ideas.

By the time marinette had finished designing the top half of a dress, a knock sounded at her window. Trying to look surprised, marinette looked up. A tingling shot through her when she met the flashing, green gaze of her trusted partner. "C-cat noir?" marinette forced surprise into her tone, getting up to unlatch and open the window so he could jump in.

Cat noir leapt through the open window, landing on the floor with all four paws. Marinette stifled a giggle. He looked surprisingly cat like. Straightening up Cat noir winked. "Hello, marinette, what you up to?" he smirked. Marinette's breath caught in throat when she heard his rumbling voice. Bowing her head shyly to hide the blush that crept up her face, she replied. "Oh, uh n-nothing much, just sketching out a new design for a dress I want to make." she shrugged. Chat noir's green eyes lit up curiously. "May I see some of your designs?" he asked, cat ears perked slightly. Marinette smiled. His behavior was so silly! So animal-like that she could hardly believe how she hadn't noticed before. Nodding, she handed the notebook to him. Chat noir blinked, turning the page. Marinette held her breath. What would he say? Chat noir's eyes widened. Did he like it? What if he teased her about it or found her ideas strange? Marinette trembled slightly, smiling nervously, waiting for what felt like forever until Cat Noir spoke. "Wow, marinette... th-these are-" marinette cut him off. "I know, it's silly of me, but I just like to create fashion... even if i'm not good at it... I won't judge you for being creeped out by them." she sighed.

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