chapter 2: rejected

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    Chat noir was left alone, in pain, unloved. Just as he'd always been. Falling to his knees, heart in agony, chat noir sniffed, fighting back tears for now. Without restraint, chat noir released his transformation. "Claws in." in seconds, chat noir was transformed back into his civilian self, in a flash of green light. A small black creature floated up from his silvery ring, his miraculous. The kwami flew to chat noir's side. The kwami strongly resembled a cat "So, how did it go?" the little kwami asked. Chat noir growled. The kwami was teasing him, kwamis can see everything that happens even when they've been absorbed into the miraculous in transformation so he knew what happened.

"Shut up Plagg..." Chat noir hissed. Plagg looked offended. "Oh, is the little kitten upset because Ladybug broke his heart?" he snickered. Chat's face suddenly turned a dark red at the mention of how ladybug had kicked him between the legs."cut it out!"

Plagg pressed on." she doesn't love you kid, move on."

Chat noir was in his human form, a lot more sensitive now.

"Grow up Adrien."

Adrien's eyes snapped open and he shook his head as he got to his feet. Plagg is right... he reluctantly agreed, closing his eyes briefly. I will never give up on mylady, but i have to grow up!

I'm Adrien Agreste! Famous supermodel! I am supposed to be perfect! What would his father think if he found out that a girl had his heart in her hands. That he had been struck so painfully by her... mentally as well as physically!

"Here you go Plagg." he sighed, throwing a piece of camembert cheese into his brother-like companion's mouth. "Mmmmm! Delicious!" he complemented. "Why don't you stick to cheese? I know my precious gooeyness won't ever reject me." he mumbled around a mouthful.

Adrien sighed, rolling his eyes playfully. "Because A, girls smell much less rotten, B, they actually have a heart to love you with and C, you don't have to eat them to enjoy them!"

Plagg looked taken aback. "How dare you insult my beautiful camembert! It's a sin!"

Adrien winked with a chat- like smirk. "Oh, I don't sin in that way."

Plagg gagged. "What the heck Adrien! You're only sixteen!"

Adrien grinned. "Since when has that stopped me?" he pointed out.

Plagg narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "What are you implying...?"

Adrien didn't answer directly. Getting to his feet he rolled his green eyes. "Don't worry Plagg, I'm just messing with you! " he nudged his tiny kwami affectionately. He petted Plagg's head softly.

Plagg purred. Adrien stopped, breaking out into laughter. Plagg folded his arms indignantly. "Not fair! You made me purr! Gross! Purring makes me look soft how dare you ruin my image!"

Adrien's laughter died down. "Your image doesn't matter that much... but mine..." he looked out into the distance then turned back to Plagg. "My image does actually matter... and i will look terrible for tomorrow's photoshoot if i don't get enough sleep tonight."

Plagg groaned, he knew what was coming. "Aw, not again... whatever."

Adrien punched the air, ring exposed to the moonlight. "Plagg, Claws out!" transforming, he jumped rooftops, traveling home. Little did he know that he was being watched...

Chat noir heard a small gasp. First he would have to pay a visit to a friend...

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