chapter 14 In the rain

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    Adrien sighed, taking his seat next to Nino. He could barely focus in class, trying to steal glances at the beautiful girl behind him. Feelings of guilt filled him when he remembered how distraught Mari had been not long before class. Confused about her love for Him as his alter-ego and her crush on him as Adrien. She had cried. Cried, and it was his fault! it wasn't fair that Adrien knew her identity but she didn't know his which is exactly why Adrien had made the decision. *today is the day, i will reveal myself to the love of my life! i can't bare to see her in so much confusion!* he thought with determination. He was trying to decide on whether to do it when they were superheros or civilians when the dismissal bell rang. Adrien tensed. * goes nothing...* he thought, shaking himself out of the daze. His black kwami popped out of his blue school bag, tilting his tiny head curiously. "Hey kid." he folded his arms. Adrien blinked, glancing down at his kwami. "huh? oh what Plagg?" plagg raised an eyebrow at his master. "what's got you so nervous kid? you are jumpier than usual." he teased. Adrien rolled his eyes fondly. "I am going to do it today Plagg!" plagg narrowed his eyes. "do what...?" he queried. Adrien grinned. "i am going  to reveal myself to ladybug." he gushed.

       Plagg almost choked in surprise. "what?" he exclaimed, hardly able to believe it. *finely! it's about time!* he thought in relief. Plagg was tired of waiting for the love square to end. though he would never admit it, he wanted his master to be with ladybug. like Alya, he was secretly a Ladynoir/Adrienette shipper. 

  Adrien smiled at the thought. Plagg forced a poker face so he wouldn't know that Plagg was excited too. "oh, uh, congratulations kid!"  he reluctantly praised briefly before demanding cheese. Adrien grinned. for once, Plagg selfishness wasn't enough to ruin his good mood.  he sighed dreamily, head in his hands and Plagg disappeared into his bag once more, munching the cheese. 

"uh, dude?" his friend's confused voice broke adrien out of his thoughts. it was Nino. Adrien ducked his head in embarrassment. "oh uh, what Nino?" he answered. 

Nino laughed. "Uh dude! the bell rang! everyone's gone!" he exclaimed. Adrien facepalmed. "oh uh, sorry." he mumbled, mortified, getting up out of his seat and gathering up his things.

   Nino gave his friend a reassuring  pat on the back. "don't sweat it dude!" he chuckled. "i'm just looking out for you bro!" he nodded, then winked. "well, see yah bro! Alya is waiting for me!" and with that, he ran out the door into the halls. 

   Adrien snorted, making his way out the door of the school down the stairs. He felt his cheeks heat up when he caught sight of Marinette crossing the street.  he sighed, watching the adorable bluenette make her way home, pigtails bouncing out of sight. 

Adrien shook his head to snap himself out of it, climbing into his bodyguard's silver limo. 

Mari's P.O.V

  Marinette sighed, flopping onto her bed in exasperation. "oh Tikki! what have I gotten myself into?" she mumbled into her pillow. 

Tikki hovered over her master, pink antenna perked. "what are you talking about marinette?" she squeaked. mari rolled over to face the ceiling , as her kwami continued. "you managed to tell Adrien that you just want to be friends without hurting his feelings and you still have chat noir." she prompted gently. Marinette was quiet for a moment. "yah? i guess you're right tikki." she sighed, calming down a bit. 

Tikki smiled. "of course I am! why don't you go outside to clear your mind?" she suggested softly, she knew that chat noir would most likely be waiting for her.

Marinette grinned. "good idea tikki." she blinked. "tikki! spots on!" in a shower of pink, she had transformed and swung out the window, into the sky.

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