chapter 4: ladybug who?

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  " Long time no see, Adrien." Alya smirked hands on her hips. cat Noir's green cat eyes widened and he stumbled back, bewildered." What did you just say?" cat Noir almost cried but kept his voice under control. Alya lifted an eyebrow. " you heard me."

cat Noir flailed his hands wildly to Shield his face." I-I can explain!" He pleaded, flustered. How did she find out? "How did you-?" He started alya blinked interrupting him.

" isn't it obvious?" chat noir shook his head, dumbfounded. Alya rolled her amber/brown eyes. "You transformed right there! In front of me!" she blurted. Chat noir froze. He hadn't been careful enough! There was no way he could convince Alya that he wasn't adrien now... but most importantly, who else had seen him? And how would he convince others to keep his secret!? "Don't worry, no one else saw." she reassured the stressed hero. Chat noir sighed but tensed up again, when Alya pulled out her phone. "No! Please don't post this on the ladyblog!" chat whimpered. Chat noir stiffened at the thought of everyone in Paris knowing that he was chat noir. He'd be even more consumed by fans, not to mention that hawkmoth would know his identity....

Alya frowned. "B-but i must! This is a huge scoop!"

Chat hissed. "No! You mustn't!" his back was arched like the animal he was named after. Alya was silent for a moment, then she shrugged. "How about I type this?" she showed chat noir the screen of her phone and what was written on her blog.

Alya cesaire

Daily ladyblog news

Unbelievable experience!

Ok guys so guess what happened today? I'll tell you! I accidently saw chat noir transform! He was behind the chimney next door and i watched him! He was too far away to fully make out but here's the picture. I still can't tell who he is... hope you enjoy peeps!

Chat noir heaved a sigh of relief. He knew he could trust her. Alya then added. "Oh and this is the picture..."

At first Chat gasped. "Picture? You-you took a picture!?" Alya nodded. "But like i said, no one will know, See?" Alya then showed him the picture. Chat noir sighed in relief. She was right! He couldn't even recognize himself in it! "Well as long as you keep this a secret and not tell anyone..." Alya frowned. "Not even marinette?" she queried. Chat noir paused in confusion. What did his other, secret crush have to do with this? He blushed. "Wh-why would I tell her that?" he asked. Alya smirked, looking around to make sure no one was watching. She stood on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear. "Because, marinette is ladybug." Chat noir flinched as if she had struck him. Every one of his hairs was on end. "N-no w-way!... it c-can't be!' he stammered. Nothing was making sense anymore! He murmured, still dazed. His partner who he found attractive and his cute, talented friend who he'd danced with were the same person! And all this time he had been pushing her away in her civilian form. Because he couldn't bare the thought of loving two girls and breaking their hearts.

Alya laughed. "The truth is unfathomable isn't it?" Chat noir nodded, too numb to speak. Suddenly, sadness overcame him. His true love had rejected him many times as superheros...this was all so confusing! As his head spun with these thoughts, Alya cleared her throat. "Chat noir? Are you okay?" Chat noir nodded sadly. Alya frowned. "What gives?" chat noir hesitated before replying. "Well, Ladybug has always pushed me away... she'll never give me the chance. If only Marinette liked me the way i love her.." his voice trailed off with a dismayed shudder. "What! Can you seriously not tell?!" Chat bowed his head. Alya widened her brown, amber eyes. "Marinette is completely crazy about you! Are you kidding?" chat noir blinked, dumbfounded. "What do you mean?" Alya snorted. "Seriously? That girl is madly in love with you! She has your schedule memorized, pictures of you all over her room and she blushes and giggles at the mention of your name! Honestly dude, the whole school knows!" Chat noir's face turned red. "R-really?" his voice came out as a squeak. Alya nodded vigerously, the only thought in her head was, adrienette! Adrienette! it's happening! "Totally chat noir! Just try to make her realize you've noticed her and take her on a date, as Adrien." she winked. "Then you'll see what i'm talking about." chat noir blushed darker. "O-okay..." he swallowed. Suddenly, His ring began to flash and beep.

Alya nodded at his ring. "Well, that's your cue." She nodded. Chat noir silently agreed, tears filling his eyes. Giving her a hug from his pure joy of knowing what he'd always dreamed of finding out. That his love, loved him back. "Thank you so much Alya!" he cried, embracing her warmly with gratitude. "I can't begin to express how grateful i am to you, how much you have changed my life!" Alya blinked, touched. "Y-you're welcome chat noir." she croaked, eyes round with wonder.

Chat noir grinned, tears of joy still flowing down his cheeks. Leaping off the balcony, out of sight. Leaving as silently as he'd come. Alya smirked. "Adrienette! Yes! It is happening! The ship has finally sailed!" She squealed, totally fangirling. Alya took a deep breath and walked back into her house. The door closing softly behind her and she sat down on the couch.

Chat noir, watching from behind a nearby chimney, chuckled, hearing her and whipped around, twirling his baton and leaping from roof to roof. Chat noir reached his house. He landed through his open bedroom window, dropping onto his bed, just as his transformation wore off.

Chat noir, now Adrien, hugged his pillow tightly against his chest, with a sigh. His face was red and he blushed, eyes closed briefly. Plagg folded his arms, totally disgusted with his master. "Ug! Gross! I get it! Your in love!" Adrien chuckled dreamily, thinking of his lady. "I've always been in love Plagg, but now I know she loves Me!" he giggled like a little girl who just won her dance recital and purred. Oops! I got to learn how to control that! He thought in alarm that vanished immediately. He sighed, grinning from ear to ear. "I can't wait for tomorrow Plagg..." he murmured, eyes falling shut and drifting to sleep. The last word he uttered before falling into unconsciousness was. "marinette...."

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