chapter 8: acceptance

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     Marinette was curled up next to adrien. The covers rising and falling with their joined breaths. suddenly, marinette's eyes flew open. Thats right! She remembered. Time for patrol! She was late! Silently hoping chat noir wasnt already waiting for her, she carefuly climbed out of bed, making sure not to wake adrien."tikki! Spots on!" she whispered, crouching down behind the bed. Her body was briefly englufed in a pink flash of smoke as she was coated in a rose red spotted suit. As marinette was transformed into paris's hero. Ladybug sighed, gazing down at adrien fondly. He looked so peaceful... shaking her head to clear it, she walked over to her trapdoor that lead onto the balcony. Blowing him a kiss, she leapt off the railings and swung into the night, towards the eiffel tower. Ladybug blushed. Even though she had a romantic date with adrien recently, ladybug couldn't stiffel the excited butterflies in her stomache at the thought of seeing chat noir. She tried to push these feelings down for adrien's sake, landing on the top of the tower and waiting, head in her hands.

Little did she know that Adrien had been watching the entire time. His heart pounded as he stepped out of the bed. I am having a sleepover with ladybug! He thought, giving a little bounce. "Plagg!" he whispered harshly. His black cat-like kwami flew to his side, out of the model's blue bag. "What?" the annoyed kwami snapped, arms crossed. "I was having this really great dream about this camenbert that-" he began. Adrien interupted him before this could become a long extravigant story. "Oh interesting." he rolled his eyes. Sometimes it seemed like Plagg was nothing but a floating stomache! "Time for patrol!" he ignored Plagg's groan, punching the air and causing his ring to glow as Plagg was sucked into it. "Claws out!" he was showered with green sparks, body clad in black leather. He smirked, making his way onto marinette's balcony. "Time to see my purr-incess." he purred, tail curled excitedly. He leapt onto the neighbooring roof, twirling his baton as he made his way to the eiffel tower.

Ladybug drummed her fingers impatiently with a disapointed sigh. She really wanted to see her kitty now! Was he not coming this time? Chat noir never missed patrols! Sighing again, ladybug threw out her yo-yo, tugging it into place. But before she could swing away, a thump from behind made her lose her balance, startling her. Interupted, the yo-yo fell off the tower, clattering as it dragged her down with it. With a yelp, ladybug lost her footing and lurched forward. For a moment the world spun as she reached up with a desperate hand, clinging to the edge of the rusted metal. This all happened in seconds that felt like forever. Hanging off the eiffel tower, she gasped in horror as her fingers slipped, one by one. This is the end! Her thoughts screamed as she was brought once more into free fall. She squeezed her eyes shut, anticipating the impact on cement below, but to her surprise, a strong hand grasped her arm, catching her in midair. Openning her eyes, she gazed at the ground below. She was still dangling, somehow supported from abovve. But how is this possible? Her heart leapt into her throat when a gentle voice sounded above. "It's okay mlady, i've got you, i won't let you fall." the deep voice soothed. Tears of gratitude flowed down ladybug's cheeks. She looked up to meet the farmiliar set of soft green eyes and messy blonde hair. Ladybug blinked. "K-kitty?" she gasped. Chat noir hoisted her up, making her wobble and trip into his arms. Wrapped in his warmth, ladybug was for once grateful for her curse of clumsiness. To her surprise and disappointment, chat noir stepped back awkwardly. Something was different about him today... usually chat noir never backed down from the opportunity of being close to her. And finely when she wanted to be close to him too, he backed away? That wasn't fair!

"I'm g-glad I made it on time." Chat noir blushed, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

Ladybug frowned. What was going on? She smirked, trying to snap her partner out of his state. "Me too kitten, but i'm more glad to see you." She tapped his shoulder flirtatiously. Chat grinned, glazed eyes clearing. He leaned forward. "Oh were you?" to his surprise, Ladybug nodded, lifting an eyebrow and leaning away teasingly, she stared him in the eyes. "Well, what are you waiting for?" she winked. "I know what you are here for." Chat noir blushed bright pink. This was almost too much! He swallowed, this was enough to make him melt into a puddle on the spot. "Wh-wh-what?" he gasped. Ladybug stopped leaning away, taking a step forward a bit. "You heard me, kitty cat." she chirped. "Or are you just struck speechless by how amazing I am?" she struck into a heroic pose. Chat noir's jaw dropped. She was flirting with him! This was what he had always wanted, but now that it was happening, he didn't know how to respond. Chat noir swallowed, grasping his tail and stroking it nervously. Ladybug had to be teasing him, this couldn't be real! She was most likely just messing around, not meaning anything literaly. Even still, he liked it. Forcing himself to appear calm, chat winked, striking a charming toothy grin. "You know you're amazing bugaboo." he blew her a kiss. Ladybug stiffened. Instead of the eyeroll that chat had been expecting, she blushed, adjusting her midnight-blue hair shyly. Chat noir's mouth widened at this. That was exactly how marinette acted around Adrien, her CRUSH! Now she was doing it with chat noir... Oh my gosh! Chat noir thought. Did this mean that ladybug had a crush on chat noir too? His head spun. Adrien/ chat had been worried that marinette only loved the shy, controlled part of him, the young model, but if she also liked chat noir, the outgoing, cheeky teenager, that meant she loved all of him! This was too good to be true! Ladybug blinked, forcing the shy expression from her face and replacing it with a smirk. "I love it when you read my mind, Kitty." she gushed, fluttering her eyelashes. Chat noir gasped. That was the exact line that he had used on his lady when the horrificator had attacked. He froze, searching for words to say. Oh gosh! Say something! " You're right bugaboo, i can read your mind, which means i know your intentions." he purred cheekily, attempting to steady his breathing. Ladybug narrowed her eyes flirtatiously, walking two of her fingers up chat's suit. Reaching for his collar, chat blushed, as ladybug tapped the bell around his neck. She leaned into him. "Oh do you?" she teased, smoothly, standing on her tiptoes so their faces were inches apart. Stunned, chat noir nodded, mouth dry. "Y-yah, b-bugabbo... i-i know you just can't resist m-me." his tongue was numb, all confidence drained out of his strained voice. He could barely believe that she was marinette, this confident, sassy woman was also his cute, innocent classmate. Ladybug tightened her grasp on the collar of his suit, grinning. Chat gasped when she spoke. "Well then, if you already know my intentions, there is no use hiding anything is there, kitty?" chat's heart skipped a beat, was this really happening? Before he could speak, Ladybug Tightened her grip even more, tugging him down toward her. Without even realizing fully what she was doing, chat felt his lips fall onto hers. They came together in a rush of heat. Chat noir was in a trance, blushing profusely. Feeling the desperate pull of Ladybug's lips dancing against his own, he was finally brought out of his stupor. Chat responded with a heavier kiss. Ladybug squeaked in delighted surprise, gently nudging him back, never losing contact with the kiss, causing him to back away slightly, until his back was to a chimney. Pressed against brick on one side and thrust into a kiss with ladybug on the other, chat's lips soon felt numb and they occasionally broke away to gasp for air, before continuing. Finely, ladybug drew away. A gasp escaped her and all her confidence was melting as she realized what she'd just done. Hands in front of her face, she backed away slowly, blue eyes wide. A dark flush crept into her face and her mouth was parted slightly in amazement. D-did i really just kiss chat noir? She wondered incredulously. But what about Adrien? She swallowed. She had really messed up. Two guys had fallen for her, but she had fallen for both of them as well. What could she do now? Steadying her breathing to normal, ladybug forced herself to meet Chat's gaze. His green eyes were gentle with understanding and he stepped back abit as well. Blinking, chat tried to steady the blushing of his cheeks but he failed. Instead, he bowed. "It's okay mlady, i understand. Anyone can get carried away sometimes. Don't worry-" he winked. "I won't expect anything else but your friendship, i know you have feelings for someone else." he paused. Ladybug felt her heart brake as she imagined his disapointment. I'm so sorry kitty! She thought regretfully. She had thought that it would be the best descision to let go of her kitty, but now that she thought about it... maybe it wouldn't be fair to chat... adrien was a good guy, but she wasn't sure she really knew who he truly was and she probably never would, because of his modeling career, he had to act perfect all the time. But chat noir was himself around her... if he loved ladybug... then he didn't love the real her... maybe... she surprised herself as an idea popped into her head. What if i got chat noir to like me? Marinette? Taking a deep breath, she nodded, pretending to look grateful. "Thanks kitty. I am sorry that i can't return your affections, but i might know who will.." she trailed off. Chat noir looked at her wearily. "Who? Mlady?" ladybug's heart pounded. This was it. "Marinette... dupain chang." she replied, wondering if chat would find that strange. Maybe he would connect the dots and find out she was ladybug.... She waited nervously for him to speak. Chat's face lit up. "Oh! Yah, she is pretty cute. Thanks ladybug! I'll try that!" ladybug nodded with a wink. "Anytime kitty!" and with that, she swung off, towards home.

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