mini chapter 9: accepted

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  Chat noir sighed as ladybug swung off. He had been struck with cupid's bow, and ladybug had stolen his heart. Not only that, but ladybug also had proven that she liked him back. By telling him to try with marinette, which was her real self, she wanted him to learn to love her completely. This was a test, and he would pass! Tomorrow! He thought excitedly. I will visit marinette as chat noir, tomorrow. But now, he had to hurry back to mari's so she didn't get suspicious. Leaping onto the neighboring building, chat propelled himself forward off the eiffel tower, extending his silver baton.

Reaching the dupain cheng bakery, chat noir swung in through the bathroom window, just as his transformation wore off. In a puff of green, chat was transformed back to Adrien in seconds. Forcing his nerves to calm down, Adrien crossed the hall and entered marinette's room. Peeking his head in first, he caught a glimpse of pink flashes. Shutting the door quietly, Adrien leaned against the door, heart pounding heavily. Until now, Adrien hadn't really completely believed that marinette was Ladybug, but this evidence was impossible to ignore. As soon as he heard marinette get into bed, he opened the door and stepped in. marinette glanced around frantically until she noticed Adrien in front of her. Giving a sigh of relief, marinette relaxed. "Oh, there you are Adrien." she smiled. Adrien scratched the back of his neck, hoping she couldn't see his blushing cheeks. "Y-yah, i uh had to go to the bathroom... sorry to worry you." he smiled gently. "Oh, no worries." Marinette blinked kindly. Adrien beamed, climbing back into her bed next to her. With their shoulders pressed against each other and their heads leaned against the other, the two superheros drifted off to sleep. The chill of the night was overpowered by their shared heat.

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