Chapter 4

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Alison's POV

The rest of the day flew by in a blur, and I was eagerly anticipating Sami's return from work at 6 pm so that I could share the good news with her. Since it was Thursday, I knew that my freedom was limited, and I would soon be consumed by the busy working life. So, I decided to make the most of my remaining time. 'I should explore the city tomorrow and maybe do some shopping with Sami for some new office outfits.' I thought considerably.

Three months ago, I moved to NYC with the help of Sami, and I will always be grateful to her for opening her arms to help me and offering me a home. I had been living off her for the past three months, but I'm glad that this won't be an issue anymore since I have secured a job at one of the best companies in New York.

I was beyond shocked. For the past two months, I had been constantly rejected without even getting a call for an interview. It seemed like my age and lack of a university degree were working against me. I had almost given up hope of finding a job. But now, I feel incredibly blessed. This was a remarkable achievement. I could finally be free, independent, and live my dream. I couldn't wait to share the news with Sami. Maybe we could celebrate with some takeout, I thought excitedly as I clasped my hands together in joy.

Although my emotions were a jumbled mess as I envisioned working for a Grinch-like boss. I knew he would be a demanding boss, making me work like a dog and treating me like dirt. But now that he had forgiven me, I hoped he wouldn't try to sabotage me as he had threatened. I would have to work hard to stay on his good side. However, I wasn't sure how much longer I could tolerate his overbearing attitude. He was full of himself, like a balloon inflated with hot air.

My train of thought was interrupted as I heard the front door opening. Sami walked in, looking exhausted. When she saw me, her eyes lit up with anticipation. I knew she had figured out that I had good news to share. I'm very easy to read, and my facial expressions always give me away.

"OMG! Al, did you get the job?" she asked excitedly. In reply, I nodded my head hysterically, unable to contain my happiness.

Sami sprinted towards me, screaming with joy as she wrapped me in a bone-crushing hug. It was no surprise that she was ecstatic; us working together in the same company had been her dream.

"Ah-aahhh Sami, I can't breathe," I said, pretending to be choked.

Sami let go of me and playfully hit my arm. "But how did that happen, on the same day Al? You have to wait at least a few days to hear back from them," she asked.

"To be honest, I don't know how I got this job, even after insulting the boss," I said, shrugging my shoulders. She was right; I was confused myself. There was so much competition, with lots of people who had more qualifications and experience. Out of all of them, why did he choose me?

"NO WAAAAAYYYY! You did what???" she asked, shock written all over her face.

"He offended me as well," I said, crossing my arms and pouting like a toddler.

"You can't even say a word against his decision, because if you do, he will demolish your whole being and you're telling me that you insulted him? I don't believe you!" she said, shaking her head in disbelief. I just rolled my eyes.

"I'm serious, Sam," I said, filling her in on all the events that took place today. Her eyes widened in shock, and then a cheeky grin made its way onto her beautiful face.

"Soooo, it's your good looks that got you this freaking job. I think Mr Knight likes YOU!" she exaggerated with a wink.

"No, he doesn't," I replied quickly, trying to ignore the way my heart raced and my breath caught in my throat at the mere mention of his name. For heaven's sake! I had only met him today. What was happening to me?

"I totally ship you two together. You're gorgeous and he is incredibly handsome. It's a match made in heaven!" She grabbed a cushion and held it close to her chest, gazing off into the distance with a dreamy expression on her face, pretending as if she was imagining me and Mr Grinch together.

"Haha, very funny Sam! A quiet mouse like me and an ill-tempered grumpy grinch like him make the perfect pair. Besides, didn't you describe him as a man-whore?" I playfully snatched the cushion from her and spoke in a saccharine tone, hoping she wouldn't see the goosebumps on my arms.

She laughed heartily and teased, "Well, they do say opposites attract. Right?" Then added with a wink. "And it's good for you–he'll have plenty of experience for a virgin like you." Ew, gross! this conversation needs to stop.

I spoke firmly to Sami, who was clutching her stomach and laughing uncontrollably like a madwoman. "Let's drop this topic, please. Nothing of that sort will happen between Mr Knight and me. We will maintain a strictly professional relationship with no romantic involvement."

"Oh really? Then why are you blushing?" She teased, I felt like I was being backed into a corner. 'Ugh! She never gives up,' I groaned inwardly.

I felt exposed as Sami noticed my reaction. I had thought I was doing well in concealing it. It's beyond my ability to explain why the mere mention of the name of the person who insulted and threatened me today, made my heart skip a beat. My stomach felt like it was full of fluttering butterflies and buzzing bees. This man had a strange effect on me that I couldn't comprehend. I knew I needed to end this conversation before my heart leapt out of my chest.

I was about to throw the cushion at Sami when she raised her hands in defence. "Okay, sorry Al. Let's order pizza to celebrate today and go clubbing on Saturday."

"Why don't you go change and I'll order the pizza." I agreed quickly, mentally thanking God. I quickly ordered it, even though I'm not a big fan of pizza. I prefer burgers. But my best friend Sami loves pizza so much that she'd probably kill anyone who spoke badly about it. I do enjoy other Italian dishes, but pizza isn't at the top of my list.

"Sam, I really don't think going to a nightclub is a good idea. You know I've never been to a club before." I said as we ate our pizza.

"You've never been to a club because you were grounded throughout your whole life. Now that you're free, you should live your life to the fullest. No one is here to hold you back, or control your life." she said with her mouth full of pizza. I could hardly make out what she was saying.

"Yeah, I know I'm free, Sam, but I'm still not okay with this whole idea of going to a club," I said. "I'm new to all of this and I'll probably end up embarrassing myself. Plus, I've never even had hard liquor before," I added nervously. I occasionally tried red and white wine before at dinner parties, but nothing strong enough to get me drunk.

"Then it's the perfect time for you to try it out. Who knows, maybe you can find someone special," she said excitedly.

"Don't you dare try to hook me up with some random dude. I'm saving myself for my man. My one true love," I stated firmly, wondering who that person would be.

"Girl. You read way too many romance novels! Your perfect man only exists in your imagination and your books." she said mockingly.

"You're coming with me, whether you like it or not. I'll also invite some of my office friends so that you can meet them before you start working at Knight's Enterprise," she said with finality.

"Fine, I will come. I'm free to do whatever I want now. It's time to let go of the past and embrace the future," I said determinedly.

"Yay! That's my girl," Sami said as she jumped on me.

"Ouchhhhhhhhh!" I yelped in pain.






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