Chapter 16 (unedited)

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Percy's POV

Hazel looked down at me with worry and shock. "Percy! Oh my gods, what happened? Who did this? Are you hurt?" She frantically asked. "Hazel, let him breathe. We'll bring him back to the others." Jason said. I was relieved. I was escaping this hellhole. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders and it hurt to grin.  But a thought kept poking me in the back, like I forgot something.

Hazel and Frank helped haul me up and I tried to walk. But it failed. I collapsed on the floor, my body aching and open wounds stung as they got hit against the hard ground. They kneeled back down to carry me up once more. I felt guilty that I had to have them help me do everything, but it wasn't like I had a choice.

They carried me slowly and carefully, trying not to drop me. Everyone else followed. Nico was laying on Jason, tired out. Did he shadow travel again?
"Nico, can you shadow travel one last time? I'll help you." Hazel asked. Nico didn't look happy, but he agreed. I felt Hazel's grip loosen and I crashed towards the ground. "Sorry! I'm so sorry, Percy!" Hazel quickly apologized. My shoulder burned from the impact, and she picked me up the third time.

"Okay, everyone hold hands." Nico announced. Nico slowly got out of Jason's arms and stood up. We got into a small circle and everyone held hands. Frank and Hazel gripped me, because I couldn't hold them.

Nico and Hazel closed their eyes and concentrated. Slowly, the air turned darker and colder. The wind pushed against my face and goosebumps ran up my body. We slowly melted into the shadows.

Suddenly, a thought came to my mind. Selena! I forgot Selena! Warmth spread through my body as I stepped into the outside world, but I couldn't feel happy. I had forgotten Selena. I've never felt guiltier than anytime in my life. I should've remembered! It was all my fault. Who knows, Selena could be dead!

"Percy! Thank goodness you're alive!" Piper screamed. She ran up to me and hugged me with a really tight grip. "Ow. Ow, ow!" I screamed. "Oops, sorry." Piper apologized. She slowly let go, and kissed Jason. "Where were you guys? We looked everywhere for you!" Annabeth screamed.

Annabeth. I felt like bursting into tears looking at her. She's still avoiding me. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't even move. We left Selena behind! Didn't Annabeth know that? They saw her before. They know her.

"They came to get Hazel, but Frank and I insisted we come and we accidentally shadow traveled to the wrong place. And I feel angry that you guys didn't tell us. Percy is our friend too!" Jason explained. "Are you okay, Percy?" Frank asked all of a sudden. Everyone looked at him. He hadn't talked in a while.

I couldn't speak. My mouth was too tired. I could only manage a weak nod. He didn't look convinced. "Are you sure this is Percy?" Leo asked, trying to make us laugh. No one did. They all stared at me like I was a hungry puppy.

"Why are you guilty?" Grover asked. Oh, wonderful. Sometimes I wished we didn't have an empathy link. He stared at me with pity, and I felt uncomfortable. I was fine, I didn't need help. But I gathered up my strength and said it anyway.

"We-We left Selena behind." I croaked. My voice cracked and it sounded like a frog. Annabeth looked at us in horror. "You left her?!" She screamed. Well, someone became friends. She didn't seem to care that she was trying to avoid me.

"Who's Selena?" Jason asked. No one answered his question, but Hazel, Frank, and Reyna looked just as confused.

"We have to go back." I demanded. Annabeth looked at me in worry. "She's probably dead."

Selena's POV

I ran around the whole house, trying to find Percy. I checked the cells, every corner of the corridors, even the bathroom! He was nowhere to be seen.

I felt like it was almost 5 hours that I've been searching for him. 5 hours that I couldn't find him. Was he hiding from me? Surely he wouldn't. Right? I'm not so positive now.

Could he have escaped without me? Did he actually leave me? No, stop thinking like that. Percy would never leave you. I scolded myself. But the more minutes that passed, the more I was starting to lose hope.

I wanted to leave so badly, but I couldn't leave Percy behind. But I couldn't take this place anymore. I ran out the exit, with my wand. I left Percy's sword Riptide behind in case he's still there. I was a monster. I couldn't believe I could just leave Percy like that.

So, how's the chapter? I'm so sorry!! I haven't updated in a while because of school and homework and its all overwhelming. I am only in sixth grade, so I don't have much exams, but my mom is Asian and you know Asian parents, they make you sign up for EVERYTHING. Comment if you can relate! And please vote if you liked the chapter. Peace out!

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