Chapter 7 (unedited)

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I'm sorry if this chapter is sort of rushed, but I had written an ENTIRE chapter and Wattpad rudely decided to DELETE IT! Now I have to rewrite it AGAIN! This is really frustrating. Can anyone relate? 

Percy's POV

"You'll never win, Voldemort," I exclaimed. He sneered at me, his eyes turning cold. "I have waited a year to finally get my revenge, and I will succeed. Nothing you could do will stop me." He scowled. "However, the prophecy clearly stated that only one of you is needed," He continued, his eyes turning delighted. "Whichever one of you is stronger will serve me, whereas the other one..." He paused, smirking. "Will be killed."

He reached into his pocket and took out his wand before pointing it straight at Selena. "Legilmency!" He yelled. Taken by surprise, Selena was instantly struck with a flash of light. "Selena!" I cried. Selena stood, paralyzed, where she was hit. Her face was expressionless and her body was as still as a statue. It seemed as if she was petrified, frozen in her current position. Her eyes were glazed and clouded, as if she staring, dazed, at the gray, cloudy sky.

"What did you do to her?!" I demanded. Voldemort laughed, smirking at Selena. "It's been quite a while since I've used that particular spell. This will be very entertaining." He exclaimed. I scowled. I hated being used, either for entertainment or for the dirty work of the gods.

Voldemort was suddenly holding something in his hand: A fancy stick and a ballpoint pen. It took a moment to realize that the fancy stick was Selena's wand and the ballpoint pen was Riptide. Voldemort reached through the iron bars and handed Selena the wand and my sword.

Selena walked emotionlessly towards me and handed me the ballpoint pen. As I grabbed Riptide, even though it felt great to hold my sword again, something didn't feel right. I'd never even told Selena that I had a sword, or the fact that it could transform into a ballpoint pen.

"It's about time we figured out which one of you is stronger," Voldemort said, smiling. "Don't you think, Percy?"

And then Selena attacked.


"Expelliarmus!" She cried.Riptide ripped free from my hands and landed directly in Selena's, who continued to hold the sword. My mind was so overwhelmed that I had trouble focusing and thinking straight. All I could think about was trying not to get killed.

"Petrificus Totalus!"Selena shouted. I ducked just in time to avoid the curse before another spell shot towards me. I instinctively dropped the ground, rolling around to try and get back up. "Sectumsempra!" She cried. As I stumbled to get up, the spell hit me directly at my chest. Burning pain came from my chest and my face as I collapsed on the floor.

A huge gash ran along my stomach, which was surrounded with a bunch of smaller cuts. My face was scarred with cuts and bruises, and a long scar ran from the right side of my forehead down to my chin. Blood dropped into my eyes, obscuring my vision.

I wiped the blood out of my eyes, staring at Selena, who seemed to be conflicted between two sides. It reminded me of Luke as he fought with Kronos to stay in control. I wanted to help her desperately, but I knew that there would be no time. Selena was slowly losing control, her face becoming blank once again.

This obviously wasn't just a spell. It was darker magic, something that enabled the attacker to understand and control someone's mind. She wasn't fighting against Voldemort. She was fighting against herself. Someone was slowly convincing her to kill me, and she was starting to believe it.

But was there any way to convince her? Voldemort had access to her memories, thoughts, opinions, and her weaknesses. Me? I had nothing. Suddenly, an idea popped up in my mind. There was one thing that Voldemort didn't have. And that was the relationship between me and Selena.

"Avada Kedavra!"A flash of green light shot towards me. I was blasted backwards and slammed onto the wall. I heard my rib ages crack from the impact and my head smacked into the hard cement. I felt my insides being burned alive, like I was being burned with Greek fire.

If this actually was Greek fire, water didn't extinguish Greek fire, which meant that being a son of Poseidon didn't help my chances of surviving. Greek fire cannot be stopped.

But water doesn't like feeling trapped. It hates being restrained by its limits. Maybe water can push its limits just a little bit.

"The Water is within me,"

I felt a sudden tugging sensation in my gut, as water slowly spread throughout my body. The water slowly healed the cuts and cleaned up the dried blood. My clothes were ripped and tattered, and my hair was sticky with blood. I gasped for air, which felt abnormal, because normally I didn't have to worry about suffocating very often.

I cautiously rose, stumbling around a few times, but eventually I stood up and faced Selena, who glared at me and scowled.
"Selena," I started. "I can't believe this! You betrayed me," I accused, glaring at her. Selena stared at me in shock, confused by my outburst. "This is all your fault!" Selena staggered backwards, hurt by the words I screamed. My voice suddenly cracked, and I could feel the exhaustion taking over me.

"I- I thought I could depend on you, Selena."

And that's when her eyes flickered back to her normal hazel eyes. Despite her pain, she managed to stay standing, staring at me with wide eyes. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she started to sob uncontrollably. She looked so distraught and disappointed in herself that I immediately felt guilty for the words I said.

I hadn't expected this plan to work. Whatever those words meant to her must've been powerful enough to convince her not to kill me. Voldemort didn't seem very angry at this, even though I had outsmarted his plan. In fact, he seemed happy.

"I have never met another person who has ever survived that spell other than Harry Potter. I have figured out who is stronger." He noted. With wide eyes, I realized his meaning. "Stupefy!" A shot came flying towards me, and my body was so tired that I wasn't able to dodge in time. The world around faded into blackness as I collapsed onto the floor, hearing the faint cries of Selena.

Phew! I'm finally done! Maybe it isn't very good to be up at 3:21 AM to be editing a story... but I'm literally done with life right now. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Again, sorry if it's a little rushed, I tried my best.

DISCLAIMER: The quote, "The water is within me," is from the Battle of the Labyrinth, and belongs to Rick Riordan.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! x3

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