"It's fine Perrie, come on." Jade encouraged with an outstretched hand. Perrie had gotten her head around Jade touching her. Now that she felt comfortable around the brunette, she was eager to accept her hand. Perrie timidly made her way towards Jade, and grabbed her hand when she reached her. They walked hand in hand deeper into the water. Perrie had the biggest smile on her face, with Jade's being as red as a tomato.

"Finally." Claud exclaimed as the two joined him and Lauren. They were now shoulder deep in water. Jade realized she should have asked Perrie something sooner.

"Perrie, do you know how to swim?"

"I'm not very good at it." Perrie replied, avoiding Jade's gaze. Jade turned Perrie's face with her finger.

"It's okay, you don't have to be good at everything." She said with a smile, thinking that Perrie was probably ashamed that she wasn't a good swimmer. She wondered if Dr. Shipka had made Perrie feel bad for not being good at it.

"I'm a certified lifeguard, so you don't have to worry Perrie." Lauren said as she swam closer to the two.

"I was on the swim team at school! We should have a race." Claud suggested, excited at the prospect of some friendly competition. Lauren was always up for any kind of competition, so she was happy to oblige.

"You're so on!" She said racing off in the opposite direction. Claud yelled after her, swimming as fast as he could to catch up. This left Jade and Perrie alone.

"Hey." Perrie said after a few seconds with a smile. They were facing each other now.

"Hi." Jade replied softly. Loosing herself in Perrie's intensity. "What's up?" Perrie frowns at the question.

"Did Leigh Leigh tell you?" She asked anxiously, paranoid that her secret was out and that Leigh-Anne had told Jade before Perrie could.

"No," Jade responded curiously. "She hasn't told me anything."

"Okay good." Perrie visibly let out a breath and looked over at the waterfall. It's calming roar was quieter because they weren't as close to it as Claud and Lauren now were.

"What did you and Leigh talk about?" Jade asked, her curiosity growing each second she studied Perrie's face. "Are you dying or something." She joked.

"Um, I don't think so." Perrie replied as she looked down at her body through the water. Both girls realized that they were still holding hands. Jade let go, avoiding Perrie's stare. She decided to change the subject.

"The water is really beautiful today-"

"I have a crush for you." Perrie interrupted quickly, the words all jumbled together into one.

"Huh?" Jade's eyes were wide, she was speechless. Her heart seemed to stop, and start up again at too fast of a pace.

"I have a crush on you." Perrie repeated, slowly this time but with the same sense of urgency. Her eyes were pleading with Jade.

"I-I... don't know what to say." Jade replied truthfully, she took a slight step back away from Perrie, this girl was too much for her.

"Do you have a crush on me?" Perrie asked, her voice full of concern, her eyes searching Jade's face for an answer as if it would be written there.

"I don't know." Jade responded completely overwhelmed. She didn't know how to put her thoughts or feelings for Perrie into words. "We only just met." The two were silent for what felt like hours. The awkward tension was unbearable.

"Do you think I'm beautiful?" Perrie whispered, her eyes becoming sad as she began to doubt herself.

"Yes, Perrie you're very beautiful." Jade replied as she stepped closer to her and held onto her shoulders. She wanted to hug the blonde and make her feel better. Things started to click into place in her mind.

Opal 77: Skewed Space (Jerrie)Where stories live. Discover now