Chapter Two

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"Why?" asked Sweet Pea.

"Don't ask me, I don't know" said Jughead.

Jughead and Sweet Pea looked over at me, as if I would have any more answers than they did.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

"Well I mean, you were the last one to see her. Did anything happen?" asked Jughead.

Oh shit. Was it in the locker room just about 5 minutes ago? If it was anything that happened in the span of 5 minutes with her, it was probably me catching her checking me out.

"Uh I'm gonna go get some water I'll be right back guys" I said.

"Okay" said Sweet Pea with a slight shrug.

I went out into the hallway where Jughead claimed that she ran off to, and I walked down and she was sitting on one side of the wall, all the way at the end.

My boots made quite a bit of noise while I was walking towards her, and she looked up.

There were somewhat dried tears under her eyes, and her hair was let down. Her red lip stick was a bit faded, and her face was very pale.

"Hey. Are you okay?" I asked sitting next to her, but slightly keeping my distance.

Her eyes shifted away from me, and I was going to tap her shoulder so she'd look back, but when I did, she whimpered and tried to move away. Even though she was sitting in the corner.

I got up and offered a hand to get her off the floor at least but she ignored me.

"I'm fine" she said in a quivering voice.

"Well that's surely a lie. How about I take you to the nurse or I'll tell the coach you're ready to make the announcements" I said.

"Please. You don't know anything about me. And besides...never mind. I don't want to be anywhere near you now. So just...go away" she said.

"Fine then" I said.

I went back into the gym through the back so that I wouldn't have to walk in front of everyone else.

"Well that was a long drink of water" said Fangs.

"Shut up" I said.

"So how is she?" asked Jughead.

"Who?" I asked.

"Toni I know for a fact you didn't get water. And you know who. Cheryl" he said.

"Yeah she does not look okay but she doesn't want to be within 60 meters away from me" I said.

"Why not?" asked Fangs.

"Well back in the locker room, I was changing and she was putting on her shoes and kinda didn't have a shirt on and I saw her checking me out and I think that's why she left know" I said.

"Geez way to go on a rant" said Fangs.

"Maybe it was something else. She was probably just remembering your face from the drag race" said Sweet Pea.

"Uh I doubt it was just that" I said.

No one said anything but I could tell they were waiting for an answer.

"There was also a serious lip bite" I said.

"Okay I did not need to know that" said Fangs.

"Well gym is almost over so I'm out" said Fangs.

"Let's go" I said.

Jug, Sweet Pea, Fangs, and I went to the locker rooms to grab our bags and just like the start of gym, no one was there. Except for Cheryl.

Somebody to LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora