I know you||Hiccup x Reader request

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This imagine is for Rikki or Rikki_Chadwick! Enjoy.

I walked to the village of Berk. I am new here and don't know anyone. My parents dropped me of here so with the message they come back later. They didn't return for half am hour now. And I was still walking through the village. It was small indeed. But the stupidest part is that nobody said hi to me! I just walked here by my own. It was awesome that they had dragons here. Something I could never get. My parents don't want me do get one. Why? They are afraid that I would fall. Deep in my thoughts, I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw a boy around twenty years old.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"It's okay. I never saw you here before, are you new?" He asked. I smiled.

"Yes I. Just arrived." I said.

"Well, should I show you around?"

"I practicly did already. Awesome dragons here." I said smiling. The boy rubbed the back of his head.

"Thank you. I have one too! Like to see?" I nodded.

"But I can't ride one." I said. The boy looked up.

"You can't ride?" He asked in disbelief. I nodded. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me with him.

"I'm gonna teach you that." He said. I ran behind him.

"Toothless! Come here buddy." The boy said. A black dragon came running to us. I backed off. "This is Toothless. Toothless this is...what is your name?"


"Toothless this is Rikki. And I'm Hiccup." Hiccup said. We shook hands.

"So, now go sit on Toothless." My eyes went wide.

"Um. I never done this before. I'm a little scared." I said. Hiccup chuckled.

"Don't worry. It's not so scary." Hiccup said. I huffed.

"Sure." I said. Hiccup nodded. I sighed and got onto the dragon. Hiccup sat behind me.

"Toothless, show this girl how Berk looks like from up in the sky."

Toothless flew up. I kept silent. I didn't know what else to do. Screaming would probably scare him off.

"Are you okay?" Hiccup asked. I nodded. I heard him chuckling.

"Oh my god Rikki!! Come down here!" I heard my mother. I looked down and saw her watching us. Toothless went down and we landed in front of my mother.

"What were you thinking?! You could have died!"

"But I didn't mom! It was amazing!" I said. She rolled her eyes.

"And who is this young man?" She asked.

"This is Hiccup, he was so sweet to show me around." Hiccup stepped forward and stretched his hand out.

"Hello ma'm." He said smiling. My mom smiled and shook his hand.

"Well, this boy seems to have manners. You can go out with him." My mom said. I looked to Hiccup, who blushed.

"Thanks mom!" I said and I walked back to Toothless. Hiccup followed me and sat behind me.

"Ready Rikki?" He asked. My mom looked wide eyed.

"I didn't say you could ride that dr-" She was cut off when we raced forward. I chuckled and so did Hiccup.

"So, your mom said you can go out with me, huh?"


sorry if it's bad. I ran out of ideas!!!!!! I still hope you like it though!

Hiccup x Reader ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt