Hiccup x Reader: Do it that way || Request

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This is an imagine for Kiara or TheDragonLover who suggested it via Wattpad.

"Come on Kiara! Try it once!" Fishlegs said with a smile. I shrugged it off. For years now, they all tried to get me on a dragon. No way! I'm afraid of heights! Lets just say that. I stood in my kitchen, doing the dished while I looked out the window. Everyone had fun with their dragons. Except for me. I didn't dare to go on one of those beasts! Even Hiccup, the Hiccup, tried to get me on a dragon. But I even refused that. Not to mention I have a huge crush on him. But he is already with Astrid.

I finished the dished and dried the plates. I placed them back on the shelf.

"Hello Kiara." I jumped and looked back.

"Jeez Hiccup! You scared me!" I said. He chuckled and walked towards me. I walked back.

"How did you even get inside of here?" I asked. He just smiled that beautiful smile again.

"It is time." He said soft. I raised a brow and crossed my arms.

"Time for what?" I asked. He slowly stepped closer and wrapped an arm around my waist. I heard a klick sound. I looked down and I saw a belt was attached, with a little cord on it.

"Hiccup what is this?" I asked.

"It is time I teach you something very special." He said with a smile. Suddenly, he grabbed my arm and pulled me with him. I just let myself dragged along. Until I figured out what he was trying to do. Hiccup opened the door and I saw Astrid, Tuffnut and Fishlegs standing next to....Toothless. Hiccup suddenly picked me up bridal style and carried me over to Toothless.

"Hiccup NO!! Put me down!" I screamed and punched his chest. He just chuckled and placed me onto Toothless. He attached the cord to the saddle and I grabbed it tight. I felt Hiccup sitting behind me and I couldn't hide the blush that crept on my cheeks.

"Easy Kiara, it will just be a little ride." Hiccup said with a smile. I held on to Toothless, praying this would be over soon.

"Please be careful Toothless." I whispered. I've never been so afraid in my entire life.

"You really are afraid, aren't you." Hiccup asked. I huffed.

"Not really." I said in full sarcasm.

"Just tell Toothless what to do, and I'll do the rest." Hiccup said. I nodded.

"Toothless up, gentle." I said. Toothless did what I say. He flew up really gentle above the ground.

"Toothless, foreword, gentle please." I added the last part. Toothless flew foreword gentle like i said. Suddenly I felt two arms around my waist.

"Toothless, fast foreword!" Hiccup said and before I could say anything, we raced foreword. I screamed.

"Hiccup!! Why did you d-" I was cut off when Toothless let himself drop to the ground. Soon, Toothless spread his wings and we flew peacefully through the air.

"Hiccup, never do that again!" I said, looking to the sun. He chuckled lightly, before taking a deep breath.

"Kiara can I say something?" Hiccup asked. I nodded.

"I never liked Astrid." Hiccup said. My head turned to face Hiccup.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Well, I kinda, well, uhm, you know I, no, wait, I just wanted to say that..... I like you." Hiccup said rubbing the back of his neck. My cheeks turned a deep shade of red.

"See, that is what I like about you. Whenever someone says something sweet, you blush." He said chuckling at the end. If it was even possible, I blushed even more.

"Well, Hiccup, I like you to, but-" I was cut off when I felt two soft lips against my cheek.

"No buts. Just enjoy this moment Kiara." He said. I nodded and lent back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist again.

"But what about Astrid?" I asked quick. He chuckled.

"Don't worry." He said. I nodded again.

"Thanks for, uhm, teaching me how to ride a dragon."

"If you do it this way, you'll do it right." He said.

"Thank you Hiccup."


Extended ending

"You can ride me after this." He said winking.

"Shut up Hiccup!"


Sooo! Do you like it? I hope so! If you want a one-shot, just ask me! I'll do Everything!

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