Teaching how to Fly || Hiccup x Reader Request

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This imagine is for Emmelie or lillhalvan, enjoy it!

"Come on work, you stupid thing." I mumbled to myself. I wanted to make just an armor as my boyfriends. Were I just can jump off my dragon, Windstorm, and press a button, and fly. But, I hit my thumb twice with a hammer now and it's just not working! I sighed and sat down on the chair. I stood up again and picked up the left 'wing' of my suit. That one went really well, but the right one was messed up and I did it three times over! I suddenly felt two arms around my waist and a head rested on my head.

"Watcha doing?" My boyfriend, Hiccup, asked. I chuckled.

"Nothing, it isn't working anyways, so why would I show it?" I asked. Hiccup chuckled.

"Come on let me see it." He said, reaching to the wing.

"No!" I yelled and grasped it quick an held it behind my back. "It's not done yet!"

"What are you making?" Hiccup asked chuckling. He looked over to my desk. The sketches.

"Wait, are those my sketches of my...my armor? My flying armor?" Hiccup asked. I blushed and looked to the ground.

"It looked so awesome." I said. I heard him chuckle again.

"You're so cute," He said pressing a kiss on my head. "Here, let me help you." He said and he sat down.

-Skipping time-

"This looks amazing!" I said. I looked in the mirror. The armor was done, and it fitted perfectly! Hiccup smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Ready to test it?" He asked.

"Y-You mean, that I'm going to fly? How do I do it?" I asked.

"I'll teach you." Hiccup said and he led me outside. I saw Toothless and Windstorm playing with each other.

"Windstorm! Come here buddy." I said. He came running towards me and I stepped on his back.

"Ready my lady?" Hiccup said, standing next to me with Toothless. I nodded.

"Okay, we'll just fly high above the see and the clouds, before we can drop. And if it is going wrong, Toothless will catch you." Hiccup said. I sighed.

"Emmelie? You still want it, right?" Hiccup asked worried.

"Yeah! I just didn't think about the fact that it can go wrong. But we just do it, come on Windstorm!" I yelled and he rushed foreword. I looked behind me and saw Hiccup following me. I smiled and looked ahead. We flew above the sea and up in the clouds. I looked down. That's high. I started to feel a little dizzy.

"Your alright?" Hiccup asked.

"Yes!" I said. Hiccup chuckled and unbuckled his leg, the peg leg, from the saddle.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded and let myself fall. Hiccup came to me while we fell, and he held me hand. I blushed and smiled. He pointed to the little string at his arm and I understand. I pulled mine and spread my arms. It's working.

"It's working!" I yelled. I heard Hiccup laugh. "Thank you for helping me, I love you so much!" I screamed. Hiccup looked at me. We landed via our dragons, back on the ground. Why did I say that? Does he think I'm strange?

"I-I'm sorry I said that." I said, a lite embarrassed.

"Why do you feel sorry about that?" Hiccup asked. "Do you regret it?" I shook my head.

"No! I just thought y-"

"Don't think about me. It was cute when You said that. And you know, I love you too Emmelie." Hiccup said. He lifted my head up with two fingers under my chin, and gently pressed a kiss on my lips. It was a long kiss. Gentle, but full with love.

We broke the kiss and smiled at each other. He pulled me in a hug.

"Hugs are nice." I said. Hiccup laughed.

"You're funny, you know?" He said and I blushed.

"And I'm so glad I can call you my girlfriend."


Soo, don't you think it is a little short? I hope you like it cuz my feels just exploded! Comment if you liked it :)

Message me if you want a request!

Hiccup x Reader ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt