Chapter One

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It was only the first day of many school days to come, and I'm already itching to get out of here. It's second to last period and not much has happened.

I met some of Jughead's friends and his girlfriend but that's about it. And we haven't been doing much in class either. And in math, I was all alone. I didn't know anyone, because this is the math class for dumb kids or as the teachers like to call it the "class that learns at a different pace." Some cover up.

Therefore I decided that to cope with the immense boredom of class, I would ask the teacher to go to the bathroom and roam the halls of the school instead.

"Excuse me. May I go to the bathroom?" I asked.

"Sure" said the teacher.

I left the classroom and took my last few slow steps to get out of the teacher's sight, and then ran off downstairs.

I then heard the bell ring, and I guess that's a good thing, but now I'd have to go back upstairs. And last period would be gym.

I reluctantly went back upstairs to grab my stuff and then to my locker to put all of my books away.

I followed a group of girls into the locker room because we have to get changed in 'athletic wear' as they like to call it.

By the time I got in, there was only one girl left and she was already putting on her shoes. It was the girl from the drag race. Cheryl Blossom. She remembered me by the small glance she gave me but then again it's not like we were best friends.

I pulled out the neon green shirt that my mom packed me and took off the ugly 'Riverdale High' collared shirt I was given.

As I took off my shirt, I didn't even have to look over to know that Cheryl watched me take my shirt off.

I shoved my bag in my locker and dropped the neon green shirt.

When I looked back over at Cheryl, I saw her staring at me, playing with her fingers and biting her lip.

I guess she must've saw that I noticed because she then inhaled sharply and ran out of the room.

I quickly pulled the shirt over my head, slipped on my sneakers without tying them and ran into the gym where all of the people in my grade, including the Serpents were sitting on the bleachers.

I sat next to Jughead and he looked very confused.

"What's up Jughead?" I asked.

"They're doing extracurricular announcements now..." he said.

I laughed and said "Wow how ominous."

"No Toni, it's not a joke. They can't start yet" he said.

"Why not, I mean aren't the students all lined up in front of us now?" I asked.

"No. They can't start because Cheryl Blossom is supposed to begin the announcements. But she's not here.." he said adjusting his beanie.

"Why not?" asked Sweet Pea Who was sitting above us.

Jughead gave him a weird look and Sweet Pea then said "What? Okay fine I was eavesdropping. Spill man."

"But I saw Cheryl walk out of the locker room. She's here" I said.

"No she's not Toni. Because about two minutes ago, she ran out of the gym having a nervous breakdown, and threw up in the hallway."

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