Chapter Ten

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Displeasure. That was all I was feeling. My body was numb all over and my back was as stiff as a log. I could hear faint voices but it was to hard to try and make out their muffled voices. I tried to open my eyes but it was as if they were glued shut. With all the strength I could muster I lifted my eyelids before immediately shutting them again. Yeah...I regret that decision. Trying again I had to blink multiple times to get used to the light.

 "Guys, she's waking up!" I could hear Abby yelling out. I instantly covered my ears to block out the noise that was adding to my immense headache. I felt Gabe lifting my head up and tilting a glass of water to my mouth. Slowly I let the cool liquid slide down my parched throat. I smile at him but quickly hold my head as the memories of last night came flooding through my head. I grunted in pain but nevertheless got up only to be pushed down again. 

I looked up and saw Abby's eyes peering back into mine, "It will only put you in more pain," she nods her head in sympathy. I close my eyes and lay back down then open them again, "What about the mission?" I exclaim in a state of panic. "It will be put off until tomorrow when you are feeling better." She firmly states while I grunt because I know there will be no negotiating with her, she is quite stubborn sometimes.

Laying back I stare up at the endless blue sky. What even happened? 'It was a full moon, stupid'  Solstice replies to my thoughts. I roll my eyes at her but don't make an effort to argue. Rolling on my side I see my friends going about a normal routine in the camp. I took this time and realized something, they're scared! I don't blame them though, we're all only fourteen for heavens sake and yet I dragged them on some stupid mission that required them to camp out in the middle of nowhere whilst hunting a bunch of vampires. I now know by judging their facial expressions, I'm being selfish and unfair to them! They could be enjoying themselves at home with their families yet they're risking their lives to help me. A single tear betrays me by rolling down my cheek which is followed by many more.

 "Luna, what's wrong?" Alex asks me, his voice filled with pain while he watched me cry like a little kid.

"I'm sorry, I've ruined everything for you all. I've been so selfish taking you all with me! " I cry out to them. They just look at me then start laughing. I give them a look of confusion but they just continue laughing until Hana speaks up, "Yes Luna, because us willingly going with you and helping you is so selfish. We are hunting freaking vampires, how could our lives get any cooler? We're like the unstoppable team!" She yells in my face whilst laughing along with the others.

"So your all not upset by this?" I ask them. They all shake their heads no while smiling like freaks. I smile with them, my heart warming up a bit at this. I sit up now and push myself of the ground so that I can join them. I stretch out my aching muscles and head to the place where everyone is now standing around a map.

 "Alright, I say we head up North so that we can move quickly on more flat plains." I tell them. They all not in agreement to what I just said and we start going over our plans for when we get there. What if we don't make it? What if one of us gets badly injured while fighting? I can't bear to lose them!

 "Luna," Emy's voice pulls me from my trance. I scrunch up my eyebrows as if questioning her.

 "Luna, your forehead has a glowing moon shape on it," Tanvi finishes her sentence while I notice it has grown gravely silent. I smile at her, "Probably some weird Moon Goddess thing. " I tell them. They nod but don't look fully convinced.

We all disperse to do our own thing so I end up picking up my katana swords and walking to some nearby woods to practice. The whole time I am practicing I feel as if I'm being watched, however, I simply shrug it off and head back to camp. As I'm heading back I can't help but notice a pair of glowing red eyes in the trees. I close my eyes and shake my head and when I look up again, they're gone. So I gradually continue my way back.

We start packing up and by night we are ready to leave again. I shift into my white wolf form and grab my bag in my mouth. As I start to run in the direction we mapped out earlier, I catch a final glimpse back and see the same red eyes again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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