Chapter One

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Left behind, forgotten, bullied, depression, these are all words that describe my life at the moment. My name is Luna and this is how it all went down. I have no friends and no family... the only way I can go to school and have a house and food is if I worked for it.

"Hey loser" Nick calls out to me as I walk past his group of friends to my locker, head down as always. I get to my locker and there is a note on it saying...

	"Honey this is the third outfit you've borrowed this week, what's going on?" She asks, I knew that if I told her I was being bullied she would call my parents, The problem is I don't have parents

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"Honey this is the third outfit you've borrowed this week, what's going on?" She asks, I knew that if I told her I was being bullied she would call my parents, The problem is I don't have parents... it's a story I can tell at home.

"Yeah I'm fine just walked into someone's tray by accident" I answer, she looks unconvinced but she nods and hands me a new outfit. I grab it and rush off to get changed. When I get home to my mansion and my german shepherd, Max greets me.

"Hey boy, how are you?" I smile and pet him... he is the only good thing in my life.

Later On

"So I guess I should explain about my situation now huh...? Ok so I never met my mother and as for my Dad and Brother Zach, when I was three for some reason these four men had something against my dad so on August 11, 2004 when me, Zach, and my dad were walking home the men jumped out from the bushes and held me down and started shooting and stabbing my dad, then my brother started helping my dad fight back while I watched in horror, 47 shots and my dad fell to the ground, covered in blood, 13 shots and Zach went down too. The men took off when they heard the police coming, I was just left to watch my dad and brother lose their last bits of life.

"Luna darling, wait until you're 14...." and that's all my dad said to me.

           All of a sudden a bright, blinding, golden light came out from where my dad and Zach had blood, and suddenly, they started disappearing, and all the golden light surrounded me. I had to close my eyes because the light was so blinding it hurt my eyes, when I opened them everything seemed smaller, I look down... I HAD PAWS!! 

                I didn't believe it so I ran home and cried myself to sleep. The next morning I was back to normal. Later on that day I had to deal with the bank taking our house, well my house...I was taken to a foster home, but by age 10 I started becoming a singer and now I am rich.. But never mind that was 11 years ago and for 5 years I have been bullied. If they knew about my background it would probably be different but I never speak to the people in school. I usually just keep to myself... that's why I have no friends. It sorta goes like this in our school, either you are a bully against me, you just don't want to get involved, or you just don't care. I have never cried though because it will just make it worse. People will pity me and I don't want that either, so I just deal with it and cry my eyes out in the privacy of my mansion. But anyway enough about me cause I just realized... tomorrow is AUGUST 14....!!! 

                The reason this is bad for me is because every August 13 something strange happens, and I think it has to do with the death of Zach and my Dad!!! But anyway all day there is a thick, heavy layer of fog that covers everything, and every year I turn into a wolf at the same time it happened 11 years ago. And now I am 14 so that brings me back to my father's words,

"Wait until your 14..." exact words he said to me... what it going to happen tomorrow!?!?!?

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