Chapter Seven

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I sat up feeling glum about having to go to school today. I sign and look over to the singed scroll and book I saved yesterday after the fire.  

Who set the building on fire? 

I walk up to my closet to find an outfit for the day. I decide on a black crop top, red flannel jacket with ripped Jean shorts and black converse. On my way out the door I grab my cat eye sunglasses.

I slowly walk up the steps to my school, people started staring and whispering

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I slowly walk up the steps to my school, people started staring and whispering.

'Who is she?'

'Is she new?'

'I wonder if she single?' I just rolled my eyes at that one seeing as it was one of Nicks idiotic friends.

I walk to my locker, grabbing the right books before heading to homeroom. 

 "Class, this is your new classmate, please introduce yourself hun," my teacher introduced.

"Um, well hey everyone, all I can say is my name is Luna Flame and, I'm back bitches!" All around the room I heard whispers like,

' She is actually hot now!'

'Is that really the nerd?'

Wait, didn't she turn into a wolf two months ago?'

I stiffened at that one but shook it off. I walked to sit in the back, and along the way I saw Nicks priceless reaction. I bit down hard on my lip to stop from laughing, turns out I bit down so hard blood came out. I reached for a tissue placing it on my bleeding lip and applying pressure. This will be fun...

*time skip to lunch*

I walked in a silence fell upon the room, all eyes on me. I walked confidently to the lunch line, grabbing an apple and making my way to the door, but a squeaky voice stops me,

 "So the freak finally came back, huh," Melissa screeched to her minions. 

 Sigh, Melissa is a dumb blonde haired, blue eyed, cake faced bimbo, I know what your thinking, doesn't get kind only exist in movie's? Well I thought so too until I met her, and man is she cliche! She thinks the world revolves around her and that everyone adores her, yeah right. 

I was cut from my thoughts when I felt two hands shove me to the ground. I looked up to see Melissa smirking down at me,

 "Your still a weak nerd!" She screeches, I look at her before getting up and looking her dead in the eye, I take a step forward while she mimics me taking a step back.

 "You should not have done that," I whisper calmly making her physically gulp. I could see her trying to horribly mask the fear in her eyes. She tries to throw a punch at me, but I just grab her lousy fist before shoving her to the floor. I crouch down to her level, a death glare sitting upon my face, my eyes change to hold as my wolf starts to speak,

"Don't ever mess with me again, because you will pay. Not everything in this world can be fake or covered by makeup, keep it in mind, " I whisper in a quiet but deadly voice.

'Good job girl, you scared the living daylights out of her I hear Solstice praise me in my head as I walk out.

'Oh so now you show up, not during the fire, not during the school day, not during the fight, but now, now that I ended a fight you appear!' I tell at her, she whimpers making me suddenly feel guilty.

' I was speaking with the last Moon Goddess, your mom' She answers sounding quite upset,

'Alright I am sorry, so you need to run?' I ask her, at that she suddenly perks up completely,

'I will take that as a yes ' I laugh while heading out of school to ditch. I got to the forest before stopping,

'How exactly do I shift again?' I ask Solstice,

'Take your clothes off and hide them behind a bush, then imagine you changing into me' She tells me. I don't question it, I just nod and do as she said.

I hear popping and cracking as my bones reorganize themselves into a wolf. 

Sigh, I love my wolf's color!

'Aw thanks' Solstice replies,

'Stay out of my thoughts!' I yell at her, before handing over control. We ran through the forest avoiding twigs and branches. We finally arrive at a clearing with a small pond for me to drink from. I start to drink before heading a 'snap' I only up and look around catching sight of the same black figure from the fire. I look around seeing a note, I pawed it open before reading.


You had better watch your back, Victor doesn't like to wait, he wants to speak with you, for his ancestors killed the Moon God, just like his father killed your precious daddy.

Tick-Tock you wouldn't want someone else to get hurt, we already attacked those innocent souls at the hospital.

-Blood Suckers

I was frozen, Victor Hawk has information on my father! I had to see him but not without a team.

I ran back to the Bush where my clothes were as shifted before slipping them on. I run home with the note in my hand.

As soon as I was in the door, I pulled out my phone and texted my team,

Luna: Meet me home NOW!

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