Chapter Nine

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"Ok, we got everything?" I asked, looking around at everyones serious faces until my eyes land on Hana making the stupidest face I have ever seen. I sighed,

"Hana," I ask her will raising my eyebrow,

"Yes..." she replies, dragging it out,

"You know what, nevermind," I sigh again shaking my head at her. I walk out the door with all of them hot on my tail. We walked swiftly to the edge of the forest before I turned around,

"Everybody ready?" I got a chorus of yes's and sure,

"Pancake!" Alex yelled out. We all look at him with confusion spread across our faces,

"What....I'm hungry," he complains. After saying that, we all take turns slapping the back of his head, however Emy decides to punch him in the gut.

"Alright, everyone shift and get ready to leave," and with that I walked behind a bush and put everything down and start to shift into my wolf.

When I step out I see Abby standing in her unicorn form, a tall and proud white unicorn with a silver mane and tail and a shimmering gold horn. I turn to Hana who has her giant, pure white, feathery angel wings, with a white suit and greek sandals on and a big halo on her head, her eyes silver with power. Turning to Emy, her in her demon form. She had yellow eyes and big, red, leathery wings along with horns and a large but deadly sword. Turning to Tanvi I see that she is on the back of Arion, a tall and proud chestnut stallion with dark eyes. Gabe is on Snowfire, my light gray arabian horse while Alex is on Dynamite, my tall and black mare.

I turn my wolfy head to them and nod to ask if they were ready, they all nodded back and with that we took off.

My paws pounded heavily against the dirt as we sped in and out through the many trees. We continued on for nearly six hours before we stopped to rest by a small lake hidden in the trees.

After shifting and setting up camp for the night we all sit down in front of a fire,

"Do you really think this will work?" Tanvi asked, looking around at the worry evident on everyone's face.

"I hope so," I tell them before getting up and strutting off to the side. They continued whispering among themselves as I sat down on the ground, and played with the grass, I don't know what was happening but suddenly my body started to ache and my fingers turning into my wolf's claws, my bones started to ache and a searing pain went up and through my body and my body sprouted white fur. Everything was spinning and black dots started to coat my vision and the last thing I saw was a glowing circle in the sky, the full moon, then everything went black.


Short chapter I know, I had terrible writers block soooo yea. I won't bore you with a long note so continue on.

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