Chapter 17

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Keelan POV:

"So Why'd you do it?" I look up to see Wendy standing in the door way. "My daughter won't hear you out but I'm interested in what you have to say for yourself so say it."

"There's no excuse for what I did. I know that." I don't like being here, and talking to Wendy puts more guilt on me than before. "I don't know why I did it. I don't like that I did it, and I don't want to be seen a cheater. I can't take back my mistake, but I can be forgiven. I want to be forgiven because once someone sees you like that, that's how they will forever see you.

"My brother did everything for me, anything that could make me happy. I saw him as someone to look up to, smart, athletic, inspirational. But his love life was a bit shaken. He cheated on his girlfriend, and she was always good to him and I didn't understand why he did it. When she found she was so hurt she didn't even like looking at me, but she was sure to warn everyone she could. It put a damaging word on his name, he cared but he never showed it... his ego was too big.

"You know he never apologized to her. He tried to once, that was it. I had a view of him as the kick ass- sorry, kick butt guy I get to call my brother, but a lot of people saw him as something else. Growing up I thought my dad name was "Cheating Bastard" because that's what my mom would always call him. My mom told me, 'that man gifted me with the two best boys I could ask for but I will always hate him for never doing right by me'. I don't want to be my brother, and I certainly don't want to be my father. So if it means flying across the country to ask for forgiveness to the girl I love, even if she doesn't love me anymore, I'm going to do it.

"Everyone says 'sorry' is a word used so much it's lost it's meaning. But I'm using it because by definition sorry is used as an expression of apology unpleasant and regrettable, especially on account of incompetence or misbehavior. So I'm sorry, Wendy that I hurt your daughter, and I'm sorry for letting you down."

Take her silence as my cue to leave, so I do. I hate to admit that I wait for her to tell me to stop, but it never happened.

I got ahead and call my Taxi, there's no way I'm going to make it to my hotel by walking.

Sitting on my hotel bed and begin to stare at the dark tv screen. I want to go home, the worst part is I know I fucked up and I deserve this annoying ache in my chest. But I want her back so bad, that girl means the world to me and to her it doesn't seem that way but it is.

I would give anything to have her in my arms right now, to tell her I love her, I miss her, and I need her in my life.

But knowing that Corey might have her under his arm at this very moment makes me sick to my stomach, with everything she knows he's done and who he is, she's with him. A part of time hopes this is to spite me, but other part knows this was coming... which is the core reason why I resent Corey.

Corey POV:

When me and Maddi came inside from the barn, Wendy was waiting for us. From the cold, yet sympathetic look in her eyes me and Maddi thought we were caught. But it was something else.

She has told us Keelan left about ten minutes ago and she said she heard him and she thinks that Maddi should too. She handed her a flash drive, we didn't know what was on it until she said it was a kitchen recording of what Keelan had to say.

For an hour me and Maddi basically stared at it deciding if we should watch it or not. I was afraid his apology was worth listening to, that whatever he was saying may make Maddi rethink her decision of being with me. But my egotistical side kept telling me, I have my girl, and I'm better than him in every aspect.

Maddi's thoughts were pretty much the same. That the years of her being with him, and the fact this was the only time he's actually really hurt her, she was afraid that maybe her feelings would come back and that deciding between either of us would have been impossible.

But we watched it, I was listening, but I was watching Maddi, watching for her reactions. She barely showed any. Her reactions didn't really start until he mentioned his brother and dad, but her ultimate give away was when he said, "So if it means flying across the country to ask for forgiveness from the girl I love, even if she doesn't love me anymore, I'm going to do it.".

Then she was keen on what the rest he had to say. And the thing about his reasoning for sorry, may have sealed the deal. When it ended I closed the laptop and we've been sitting in silence since.

Watching her facial expressions change does mess with my head. I want to know what's going on in her head because this silence is killing me. The longer she's quiet the more I feel like she leaning towards him.

No ones ever driven me crazy the way she does. I'm anxious as I wait for her to say something, but a part of me wants the silence to last forever. Because if what she has to say is something I don't want to hear, I'm not going to react like a sane person. I'm going to act like a raging jealous boyfriend, and the only person I'd be able to talk to is Mianne, because she's the only adult in the house that can put two and two together.

"I want to go see him." I look at the end of the bed where she sat crisscross, her hair covering half her face as her right eye looked at me through her hair. "I think I should talk to him." She tucked her hair behind her ear, and waited for me to respond. "Corey?"

"If that's what you want to do, then you should do it." I tell her, knowing damn well I want her to stay here because I know exactly what'll happen if she went to go see him.

"Really?" She asks innocently.

"Yea, who am I to stop you?" I ask looking away.

I feel her hand on my knee, catching my attention. "My boyfriend." She says angelically.

I like how she says it though. It give me a strong layer of comfort and confidence. "I trust you, Maddi. I also trust that if he tries to make a move on you, that you'll kick him in the groin, then when he falls to the ground you'll kick him in this face." I smile.

"Or you can come with." She smiled.

"I can?"

"Only if you promise to let us talk before you have one of snarky comment, or use our relationship to make him feel shittier." She game me this knowingly look, I guess it's my fault because I was sick earlier.

I sigh heavily for reluctantly responding. "Ok... I promise."

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