Chapter 16

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(Media Picture of Wendy)

Maddison POV:

Another guy came from the back room, and he walked over to Francine... I'm just gonna guess that was the guy from earlier.

I look from my dad to my mom, but they just stared at me.

"We are moving here?" Corey asks.

"Um, Yea." Francine answered. "See, we discussed that maybe we should. You guys like it here, we like it here. And next year we could visit Florida."

"We like Florida." I snap. "California is nice but Florida is our home."

"But, me and Wendy would like to make us work." Cooper spoke.


"You should've been here yesterday. Wendy would've kicked me and Travis out, but we got trapped in by the storm." He explained. "I know I should have come back a long time ago. I can't replace those years and I'm sorry, but I'm here now."

"You stole the line from a movie?" I ask.

"Movies still lines from real life." I rolled my eyes. "Your mom is giving me a second chance, you should too."

I opened my mouth to speak but there was a few knocks and a ring. We all looked around because everyone that knows about our being here is, here.

"The door says 'No Soliciting'!" Mianne yelled.

There was just another knock. And Mianne yelled again, but I guess who's the other side of the door couldn't hear.

"Go get it." I tell Cooper.

As we walked away I still noticed the puzzles looked stamped on everyone's face. You could hear them talking, and all you hear is my dad say "oh really? I think we should talk outside". I was tempted to be nosey but mom warned me to not in case it was some bad from my dads new life, which didn't really make me feel much better.

I could tell every time Corey looked at me because I'd feel exactly where he was looking would start getting warm. Then a long with my face as I resist to look back at him.

We all slowly inched towards the door the longer Cooper was gone. No one said anything, but we all noticed we weren't in the living room anymore, simply in the walkway to the door. My mom more curious the rest of us.

Suddenly the door swung open and my dad was standing in front of the guy, he looked as confused as for all of us so randomly close. "You didn't tell me you have a boyfriend." He said looking at me before stepping to the side.

Keelan looked up shyly through his eyebrows as his eyes found mine, carefully going back and forth between me and Corey and everyone else. He didn't say anything, just remained with the innocent look, I try my hardest not look at Corey.

We all stood in a heavy silence, nothing heard but our own heartbeats. I know I'm suppose to be the one to say something, and I want to just yell that me and Corey are together, but I keep biting my tongue. Earlier I would have said it regardless of the repercussions, but now I can't even shake my jaw to let out a sigh.

I finally look at Corey but he wasn't glaring at Keelan like I thought he might, he was looking at me, kind of angry. I am suppose to say something, at least that he cheated and we're not together.

I break the eye contact and as I looked at Keelan he looked kind of worried.

"Well this is awkward." I look at my mom who was just standing looking at the ground.

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