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He didn't need help like the Fenton's did, but he wouldn't deny any either. The ghosts of the ghost zone hated the Fenton's more than they hated the white haired phantom, and they'd help him rid the Fenton's of their pitiful existence if he simply asked.....
Chapter 15: New Changes.

Danny had spent about three hours training.  Vlad had also spared with him for about an hour and had to leave to attend to some business, so it was closer to four hours. Danny was tired and decided he'd take a nap. When he woke, he woke to a loud crash coming from downstairs. Danny rushed upward from his bed and raced downstairs. Another crash came from the right of the stairs. 'The dining room!' Danny screamed mentally. He raced of into the dining room and paused. There were two ghosts fighting in the dining room. The expensive vases vlad bought not long ago were broken and unrecognized on the floor. Plasmius was on one side of the room, while the other took stance opposite him. The opposing ghost had ruby red hair, it was short and the top pulled upward like whipped cream almost. She had goggles on her head almost similar to those of steam punk theme but not quite. Her gaze was glaring daggers at vlad. She wore a crimson jumpsuit with black accenting and she had vibrant green eyes that seemed to glow. Danny almost didn't recognize the ghost. Almost.....

"You were half ghost!?" The red ghost shrieked angrily.

"How do you know who I am?" Vlad yelled back.

'Guess vlad hasn't figured it out yet. I'm surprised to see her so soon though.' Danny thought to himself. He wasn't expecting her to show up so quickly. Danny watched as a few green blasts were fired and continued as vlad easily dodged. The red ghost seemingly turned to glare at him.

"You!" She shrieked and charged at Danny.

Danny dodged and continued to do so, as the ghost continued to lunge at him.

"Up!" Danny yelled as he threw his hand in an upward motion in front of his face.

Two black circles surrounded him and he flew upward past the red ghosts next attack. Danny had noticed his costume change. He hadn't 'gone ghost' since he started living with vlad for the most part so he didn't realize his costume had changed. 'Unless this is a new thing...' he thought to himself. The black and white costume with the D standing for Danny had changed. The D had Stayed but it had moved to the right had top corner and had become a tad smaller. The points had become sharper too. His ears had pointed slightly but that wasn't too noticeable. His costume had adopted a cape along with changed patterns in its design. his gloves had two green orbs and his boots had silver soles instead of white. (Above photo is blisters I could find)
The biggest change however were Danny's eyes. The piercing green they had once been was now a murderous and angry red. Danny's hair had still stayed white, although it looked silver when it hit light the right way. His classic points were gone, replaced with a small free flowing ponytail that almost looked like flames burning. 'Well this is sorta familiar..' Danny thought as a joke. 'It'll be fine.' He added. Danny's thoughts were interrupted as the girl rushed him again. He let out a ghostly wail and sent her flying away.

"Your a half ghost too!?" She screamed in anger once again.

"Of course! It's nots not my fault you never paid attention to me!" Danny said with a sickly sweet, yet sarcastic tone.

This seemed to only infuriate the won more and she charged Danny again. Vlad had sent her flying with a plasma blast. It seemed like Danny would never get to just live a quiet life like he had wanted.

"You know, I wasn't expecting you to appear so soon. But hey, I'm still happy with my life, weather you try to destroy my happiness or not, doesn't bother me!" Danny said.

Meanwhile vlad called skulker. Danny had given him the hand signal vlad taught him to use when Danny need a specific ally. Skillets hand signal was the puppet hand gesture for wolf. (Pinky And pointer up, middle and ring finger down with thumb below.) skulker was there in seconds. Danny smirked. 'This will be fun." He thought evilly.

"Skulker." Danny greeted.

"Brat." Skulker replied.

"How would you like to hunt the hunter?" Danny asked pointing to the lady in front of him.

"The red lady.......?" Skulker clued in.

"Fenton!" He barked.

"All yours skulker." Danny said with a small gesture to have fun.

Skulker left chasing the 'red lady' and the father, son pair turned back.

"That was.......something...." vlad said.

"Skulker will have fun with that one." Danny laughed.

"The hunter, you said?" Vlad asked in amusement.

"Who else?" Danny drawled.

"E-excuse me?" One of the maids asked as she walked in.

Vlad turned to her.

"C-could you move so we can c-clean?" She asked nervously.

"Ah, of course. Sorry." Vlad said taking Danny into the living room.

Breakfast had been waiting in there while the staff cleaned the dining room. A note had been left in the table. Danny picked it up.

"The chef says: today's dish is French toast flavoured crepe filled with bacon, scrambled egg and shredded potato (hash browns) powdered with confectioners sugar and lightly  drizzled with maple syrup. On the side are two sausages and a maple biscuit. Vlad your wine is a cheval blanc 1947." Danny read.

"Sounds great." Vlad said telling Danny to sit down.

Danny sat and decided to start on his sausage and biscuits first and eat the crepe last. Danny and vlad talked about the days shopping plans and what actives vlad has planned. Although today was a Monday vlad had kept Danny from school. With the recent busy schedule, vlad wanted to some fun things with Danny before he went back to school for the week. Danny was set in the arcade, so that would be the last stop. Once Danny was in there, there wasn't any chance of him coming back out. Vlad did want to get Danny a few more clothing items and maybe some more shoes too. After this morning he'd also have to replace most of the dining room as well. Vlad sighed. Could things get any worse today?
That was the one thing he regretted asking. Just as the words had been thought. There was blast through the front door. Danny had just finished eating, so thankfully the surprise noise didn't make him choke like it did vlad.

"What's going on now!?" Vlad said in anger.

Why couldn't his life just be peaceful?

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