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Tucker just nodded shaken before quickly running away. The techno geek couldn't afford a scuffle in his record and didn't wish to anger the influential young teen.

"There's two problems solved." Danny muttered.
Chapter 14: Visitation and anger

(Warning sensitive topics ahead including gore and or suicide.)

Danny quietly got into the car and greeted Vlad. This afternoon wasn't a pleasant one, and tucker had caught Danny on a bad day. Danny and Vlad were going to see the Fenton's. Yes the Fenton's. Why them of all people you may ask? Because Danny wanted to let them see he was happy, and to tell them he forgave them. A wise man once said 'There is power in forgiveness', and Danny wanted to see their reactions when he told the pair he forgave them. The prison they were taken to wasn't too far from amity park. It was about 20 minutes out of the city. They usually wouldn't allow children in, but Danny was a special case. He was after all the mayors son. The Fenton's themselves weren't allowed visitors, so when jazz tried to visit them she a been in for a big surprise. She wasn't very happy, but in the end was sent off without her goal being realized. Danny's thoughts were quickly pushed aside as they pulled into the prison gates. He and Vlad walked to reception and Vlad spoke.

"We are here for a scheduled visit with jack Madeline Fenton." Vlad spoke.

The lady paled before looking extremely irritated.

"Your meeting has been cancelled." She replied curtly.

"Pardon?" Vlad said flabbergasted.

"The Fenton inmates slit their necks with smuggled knives in their cell this morning. So your visit has been cancelled." The lady replied again.

"Very well." Vlad said leading Danny out the doors and back to the car.

Danny didn't look happy. Not one bit. Once he was seated and they had gotten fair distance from the prison he screamed. A very frustrated scream at that.

"This isn't fair! They don't get to commit suicide! They were supposed to feel bad for how they treated me and think about what they lost! They were supposed to know I forgave them so they'd feel guilty! They don't get to just disappear! They don't get to! I won't allow it!" He yelled.

Sure he sounded like a child but he didn't care. They weren't allowed to just leave life peacefully behind until he had made his point. And now he couldn't even do that!? He doesn't get his closure!? This wouldn't do at all......

"Daniel calm down. I'm sure their resentful, and every resentful spirit with unfinished business forms in the ghost zone. I'm sure we will find them very soon." Vlad informed.

"Not going to help....not until they know how they've wronged and hurt me. They are going to feel ten times my pain! Once we find them I'll make them see......and then once they know I'll destroy them. If I destroy their spirit there is no return. They'll be lost to the freezing tides of the forever frozen and I'll enjoy every moment of it!" Danny screamed fuming.

He was beyond mad, beyond pissed off and beyond any type of anger words alone could describe. If the universe wanted to play games with his emotions then he'd play games with its code. He'd tear it to pieces bit by bit until there weren't even shreds remaining. It didn't get to do this to him unless he said so!

"Daniel. You must calm down. Your going to throw us off road if you don't!" Vlad yelled as the car jerked.

Danny grabbed the bridge of his nose and squeezed hard. He yelped at the small amount of pain and finally calmed down.

"Okay I'm calm. Sorry." Danny said barely above a whisper.

"Daniel I understand your angry, but please. Don't throw the car of the road!" Vlad said with a sigh.

"You can take you anger out on some of the training dummies or we can spar when we get home. But until then keep it under wraps hm?" Have said to the boy.

"Alright." Danny replied.

The drive home was peaceful. Danny kept his anger from exploding, although it had spiked a few times. But he had managed. As he mad his way up the front steps Vlad grabbed the mail. He looked through it and handed Danny a letter addressed to him. Danny day at the dining table and opened his letter.

Dear Daniel Masters,
You may think you can rest easy, now that we are gone, but think again. We may not like ghosts, but we will do anything to make sure we get rid of you. Even if we ourselves had to become the very thing we hate.... and we aren't alone.

The letter seemed too well thought out to be jack so he knew it must have been maddie who wrote it. The last line must have meant Sam and tucker teamed up with his former parents. Danny should have been worried, but he wasn't. In fact he was absolutely thrilled. He could show both his former friends and former parents once and for all they meant nothing to him. He could show them they were no longer important in his life, and they no longer needed to acknowledge him. He didn't need them and they didn't need him. If they were working together he could kill four birds with one dagger. Sam couldn't do anything while Danny was at school so she was the least of his problems and she would be the last one to go. Well the last alive anyway. Tucker would be third, Sam wanted to love him so badly, and cast Danny aside then he'd make sure she knew exactly how he felt and make sure she watched as Danny cut down her lover. Then he would strike her and make sure she died as painfully as she could. Then once all four were of equal
State he'd obliterate all four ghosts. Sure it may seem dark to want to kill anyone and illegal as it would be murder, but it's only murder if he's caught. And if he's invisible and has no tangible physical fingerprints that wouldn't be an issue.
He crumpled the letter and threw it away. He began up the stairs to the training room where he would blow off some of his steam before he actually injured someone. Sure that excluded his revenge plan, but that was happening with or without anyone's help. He didn't need help like the Fenton's did, but he wouldn't deny any either. The ghosts of the ghost zone hated the Fenton's more than they hated the white haired phantom, and they'd help him rid the Fenton's of their pitiful existence if he simply asked.....

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